Resolution or Guilt

Resolution or Guilt

Today is January 22, 2018. I have just experienced the holidays, freezing weather with lots of icy paths pneumonia and a birthday. Cabin fever set in around the third day of the ice and snow. While we have had more of both, the frigid temperatures made me want to be a bear and hibernate. I forgot all about putting on my yoga gear and heading upstairs to my yoga studio. I only wanted to curl up with a blanket and read. Guilt set in. I was getting stiff. I continued to make excuses. Then I realized that guilt is something I make up and if I can make it up, I can let it go. Today, after my first real exercise session, I decided that I would make a late New Years resolution. That resolution was simple. I would do what most of us do not do. I would resolve to get through January with no plan. No guilt about the few extra pounds or inches. I would resolve to hibernate like a bear if I felt like it and wait until February to begin my work on strength and maybe the loss of an inch or two before bathing suit weather. I would be okay with not exercising several days a week but stick to my daily stretching while I cook. I know that January is almost over and that the resolution was made after the event of hibernating but that is okay. I still made it and I can let go of some of the guilt I often feel when I am a slug. Maybe it is time to look at your guilt and see if you can tell yourself that it is okay to feel that way for a while but only if you make it a little while, like 30 days. Then wash it off like the salt on your car and move on.

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