louisiana pua back pay

All individuals collecting PUA will receive $300 per week from Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), in addition to weekly benefits as calculated above. Back pay or retroactive is different from state to state so the best bet for what you need to do is call to the unemployment office where you live and they will give you the instruction exactly what you need to do, Does anyone know what day(s) the NY DOL releases benefits? I have write to 2 Ohio reps already. The program provides $250 billion for an extended unemployment insurance program and expands eligibility and offers workers an additional $600 per week for four months, on top of what stat… Going forward, Trump has promised us an extra $300/week from the fed, retroactive to August 1, for a few more weeks, at least. However, it didn't allow states to forgive money paid to workers by mistake — meaning states had to recoup these "overpayments" even if a worker wasn't at fault or able to pay the money back. I had to go to the “check my status page” and said they only determined yesterday so I waited a day for the email and when it didn’t come I went and checked my status again and got the same message…and I still haven’t received an email but started filing claims the following day anyway. Did u figure this out ? For some residents who’ve already gone seven months without the benefits they’re entitled to, a January 2021 goal date won’t help them pay their bills now. IS THERE A TIMELINE TO FILE FOR BACKPAY ONCE A PERSON GETS PUA¿ AND I MESSED UP ON A QUESTION,I ANSWERED IT WRONG LOST 3weeks of PUA. The DOL cant help you if youre not finishing and sending the emails back. When you fill out the application for PUA unemployment assistance it ask’s for the first day you started work in 2020. Mine has been backdated to march 11, 2020 and only the last week was eligible for the $600. No luck.virtual asst. My last cash transfer from my Relia Card to my personal checking account, which I did online successfully in the past, didn’t happen mid-September. The state legislature would need to amend state law to do so, she said. Hey can someone please help me I’m begging at this point I received Good luck. Thanks I live in New Mexico btw. How do I fill out claims from March April and may and June? Someone posted below that the contact phone number listed for this, has probably been disconnected, as I always get a busy signal. Lindsay thanks for you insight!! I have received no money despite being approved and don’t know what to do anymore. I submitted my PUA app on last Thursday and on Friday claims had populated on my timeline dating back to 4/18. I NEED HELP CAN YOU HELP¿. Thank you, Did it show you owed overpayment when they did this ? Good luck to u. Hi Maria, I live in PA and how the same issue you do with the PA PUA claim. I’m going through the same thing. But now after researching I’ve seen some things saying that you need to get ahold of somebody by phone to get your date changed to when you first were unemployed. my ob didn’t pay me hazard pay nor did I get any assistance. This includes backdated payments for coverage weeks you were eligible for PUA due to COVID-19 related reasons. States, in their rush to get money to people quickly and implement new relief programs, accidentally sent PUA benefits to thousands of workers in the pandemic's early days. My benefits expire on 12/26 but I only have enough to last maybe 2 more weeks before my benefits are exhausted. WHAT’S IRONIC EVERYONE I KNOW WHO HAS FILED PUA BEFORE ME RECEIVED THEIR BACK PAY FIRST AND THEN THEIR WEEKLY STIPEND. It did the same for me. Will it affect my current claim? Nobody told me about that before and I got that done as well. You have to certify for each week, one by one. COVID-19 UPDATE: Because the coronavirus pandemic has left so many Americans jobless, the federal government has given states more flexibility in granting unemployment benefits. Is the PUA PIN number different from the regular UI PIN number? My unemployment claim started on September 15th that was 3 weeks after I tested positive for covid and had to go into quarantine. So, if anyone received their backdated payments, could you please tell me, in regards to PUA and EPUA, did you have any delay between those deposits. GOODMORNING I filed July 19 and haven’t heard anything and haven’t received any money I’m given up it’s been three weeks I’ve sent messages but haven’t heard anything yet. At will., I guess. Back pay is especially relevant if you receive Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. 10/10/20 = Follow up to my post below, about my ReliaCard: I finally got through to a US Bank’s Customer Service, after being ‘on hold’ for 15 minutes at 2 AM, the other morning. They would not be flooded with a million phone calls, jamming the line, if they took a few minutes to answer emails, using a simple form letter. Federal benfit. I realize that now that the State has nothing to do with the Federal 600 dollars. Hi. I have only received and been able to certify for May 4th and beyond. Meanwhile, I’m 4 months out of a job I depended on to live, and I know of a handful of people who never worked a day in their life who already burned through 11 k payments on drugs and cars they drove with no license and crashed that they had no right to receive at all, but they know how to exploit a system, and I wish I didn’t even need to do this. But then I filed for the PUA and got approved. This program is extended through March 14, 2021 and allows individuals receiving benefits as of March 14, 2021 to continue collecting through April 5, 2021, as long as the individual has not reached the maximum number of … College students could tap into $600-$800 a week of unemployment benefits. All of a sudden it now states partial check, no date and I haven’t even received my regular claim amt. So how do I even get to that part ? Help! I dunno I’m crossing my fingers I will get it sooner . See NY UI updates here – https://www.savingtoinvest.com/new-york-dept-of-labor-unemployment-insurance-compensation-600-fpuc-and-pua/. Rude calling her information useless. I am now thinking that she is trained to say this when she does not have a clue what to do or say. Under number 2 is how to request backdating. Pua 8/23/20 but on my application I submitted I stopped working 3/14/20. The we all can quickly skim for updates that pertain to our state, and not get confused by outdated information, for the wrong locale. I was approved for Pua. Need a change of scenery? I hope Arizona is one of the states that has it retroactive. My effective date is listed as one week prior to when I filed. After months of pandemic-related … Thanks. "We are still going through recent [U.S. Labor Department] guidance and hope to have a decision soon.". It was submitted how do I know they received it. My total they are showing of 7605.00 would be for 39wks so I’m beyond confused. 10/22 reply to Roman: Thank you for trying to help me apply for my backpay, but I already did, following my PA state’s instructions on their PUA website, to “send an email” with BACKPAY REQUEST, in the subject. Keep in mind all of my claims which included the 600.00 back pay, said payment issued, however there was no transaction number. And this new $300/week bonus, will only last for 3-4 weeks, until this FEMA money from the Fed, is all used up nationally. In PA, there originally was a drop-down option to click on, to backdate your legitimate claims, and get your backpay automatically, but PA deleted it, without warning, or explanation. I am in Pennsylvania too. What was your question if I may ask? I am getting my regular PA PUA unemployment amount each week, via the Realia debit card, after I apply online every Monday. Thank you so much for your help. It … When filling out the back pay part, I thought it said I could only request back pay for one week prior to filling out the application. Got a confidential news tip? I am thinking that if Florida has a site that enables you to fill a form out then perhaps Co has one too. Now on the 33 weeks, it just lists 117.00 all the way down. I also need help. This is the only backpay “form” that I’m aware of for PA state. Since then I’ve only recieved my regular UI. Hi. I asked Ari a question a free days ago regarding one of his posts and it went unanswered. I recieved a leter from the claims department wanting me to seen in my identification which I did. My claim was approved but my effective date says October 7th and I can’t find any information on my retroactive payments. They may, for example, define "financial hardship" differently. Yes finally I’m not the only one in the dark I also filed in the beginning of July and nothing but I’ve been able to recertify every week I wonder how much longer it’s gonna take to receive this money. Your claim can be backdated you need to actually talk to a representative and they will manually do it. Backdated in August by calling and the date did change on the first screen on DEO site to the correct back date I put in but still no $600 per week of PUA which would be all March 29th – April 16th – zip – nanda – big zero – donut hole – nothing so far. also the agent I spoke to today said it doesn’t matter if you get that letter to sign as long as you certify every week which I have faithfully been doing my part. I don’t know what to do?? 10/19 reply to Ang = Sorry, but no intent on my part to be “rude” – just stating the fact that every state has their own unique unemployment software system. Did you send an email or call..they are my 2 options. I am in New Mexico. I also signed up on July 29th for the CPU a emergency pandemic unemployment and I’m still waiting to hear something back and I’m going to receive any good news back? The CARES Act established the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program to pay unemployment benefits to self-employed, gig and other workers during the Covid pandemic. I was also told that right now they are handling fraud cases first. I’ve read nothing that you had to file before a certain date in PA to be able to get the backpay and the 600 even though that’s over. Please help!! I will explain to you how to get to this site in this post, and hopefully this post won’t also be deleted! Which is from September until end date in Dec. When it asks from date you’ve been out i tried to out put March 13th but it would only allow me to do from the actual date I was filling which was Nov 14th. Here is Barbara Ann Harper Puma’s obituary. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) provides unemployment benefits to workers who were not traditionally eligible for benefits, including self-employed people. I hav filed my 6 week but my paper said i wil go back to april for the 600 extra but i havnt recieved my lump payment yet will i stil recieve it? I have not yet received my back pay from April 4,2020 to July25,2020 and I filed for the PUA at the end of March I only received 2 checks with the PUA and called unemployment to ask when and no response. Their crooks because they aren’t giving your lazy ass 15,000 which is insanely OVER the amount u need or qualify for lol… I bet ur real job didn’t pay that much and you mad at them why? I have spent two months trying to get this resolved and got nowhere. I filed it thinking it was for back payments. Check out: The best credit cards of … Have a question, since the new quarter my wba went up from 113 to 275 will they give me the 275 from when I was getting the 113 ? No sign anywhere about back pay. Just be sure that once you follow the steps it tells you that you don’t do it more than once or it will affect the timing of the response. I wonder how many people they are trying to get away with this. Please accept Echovita’s sincere condolences. Ifilled out the P.U.I but didn’t include my back pay. Please see pictures of damages. Whoever put false information really did not have too. Then the Relia software was changed to flag a large amount being transferred as “FRAUD” and your Relia Card was automatically FROZEN, such that you could no longer access nor deposit your cash – again without warning nor explanation. The more recent $300 FPUC is available between the week ending December 27th, 2002 and March 14th, 2021. However, they did not address how to apply for back pay to March – a feature which most applicants need. I filed in July was fired in May, I have no idea what to file so I filed for everything. Therefore, I can’t use it at all, even to withdraw funds via a Teller – yet it will continue to accumulate my unemployment future pay, which I can’t access. College students could claim unemployment benefits for losing their summer internships, part-time jobs, and work-study opportunities. NEVER DID. It was a new stand-alone computer software system. I reside in New York and I did file for benefits the beginning of this month online. IDK I GUESS THE GOVT IS BACKED IP.. How much will you get paid, when will PUA pay you, and do you have be completely unemployed? But when i was approved, it says it’s for the period September 2020-December 2020. Every bit counts and I know they said there would be a deadline of Friday to back claim but since there’s a “glitch” in the system they’re supposed to push the deadline so hopefully we all get the money that they owe us! Hope this helps I waited 6 months with a outstanding issue and it was a wrong date but it was well worth my waist good luck. My claim started june 7th however I became unemployed March 14th. So…..please take this factually. PUA) and you need to certify weekly for enhanced unemployment benefits, you can only go back to the date you filed your claim. How did you get them to backdate you. If before just open a new case. Quick question….i was just approved for PUA but have been out of work since 3/29, how do I request back payments? So I went the Ask Edd page to submit a question. Report gross earnings from employment and gross earnings from self‐employment.” Then has the drop down menu stating “Ending Week Date” then “Hours Worked” then “Gross Income”, and finally “Type of work”. Arizona is all about the money not the people. I live in Ohio, and I was able to get help by writing all my congressmen, both federal and state. Finally, I contacted all my congressmen, both federal and state, and they basically nagged Job and Family Services until they took care of it. So I am going to receive all that back pay including the $600 well thank you so much for that information it’s a big help hopefully I received my pay this week I will do both! Mine says I have $7600 credit what dose this mean, is that what they are sending me. This article was last updated on January 29. The $900 billion Covid relief law gives states the option to forgive overpayments. I claimed for 2 weeks no problem. Total. How to Get PUA Back Pay… People can now file for an additional 11 weeks of … Thanks, I wasn’t able to complete my application, because of technical problems that PUA would not fix. To get the back pay, you have to submit for a weekly benefits review. Or did receive it then got lost in the mix. Thanks for posting. I sent an email to PA PUA requesting to Back Date my claim. Kesha i’m in North Carolina. 2020 and I was quantified for regular UI . Hey I had this same problem.I sent an email as the site says to do but didnt here anything back within the 7 days. I couldn’t file for PUC until after I was denied, I had to request a new PIN because I received no correspondence after filing on May 5, it took 3 months to get the PIN that they insist they have to mail, and the phone numbers listed are an endless and pathetic parade of busy signals. After applying this program, states were designed to readjust the payment amount with different part of your earnings this past year. Received two payments from PUA. If anyone can please assist. So around November 3.2020 I call my State Unemployment office to back date my claim from April 4.

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