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But if you knew where the rest went you would be even more disheartened……Somalia, counting fish in the Gulf, gender equality in Pakistan, schools for pygmies in the Congo, funds for African countries (the planes missed the connection to the subsahara countries and were temporarily diverted to Switzerland) and so forth. Now Saudi Arabia would collapse in a week without question, were it not for Israeli support, just like the “Hashemite” Kingdom of Jordan. I know some states made signing the “I will not boycott Israel pledge” a condition of employment for “government” positions, but those statutes have been ruled unconstitutional (so far) when someone had the fortitude to challenge the state in court. Stellen- und Ausbildungsangebote in Bamberg in der Jobbörse von Hezbollah’s work in defending Christians from ISIS in recent years has also been a political game changer, as traditionally grievances from Christian organizations have been exploited by Israel to leverage against the Palestinian cause. The moment the weapons stop, there will be another 6 day war in one week: Jews like to rest on the sabbath. What will become of it if it overreaches and kills its host? At the time I researched it; the founder slobbered all over himself about his love for Israel. We had plenty of poor Whites and others right in OUR city that needed help, but yet we were sending the money to Haiti? The Chinese and Russian ‘threats’ to the US are nothing next to the cancerous AIPAC. Their entire view of politics and world affairs is based on FOX News coverage. I deserve some handouts from US Govt. Missing Gold Precious Metals in WTC 4 Vault: Only a Fraction Recovered? The goal here isn't to lower the "crime rate," the goal is to make cities physically safer. 46 Likes, 1 Comments - University of Central Arkansas (@ucabears) on Instagram: “Your gift provides UCA students with scholarships, programs, invaluable learning opportunities and…” For example, Sheldon Adelson operates casinos, so don’t gamble there because his money goes into subjugation of the White Christian Americans and same goes for the Starbucks, Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. Either way the only domino left standing will be Israel, rest assured. You deliberately go off-topic. Please note that by accessing CNN RSS feeds, you agree to our, RSS is a free service offered by CNN for non-commercial use. ” being the center of its nemesis, the Catholic Church. This Yael Eckstein chick pulls down $824,000 a year? Including "the." But ‘special people’ deserve special consideration. They have a NEW AND IMPROVED commercial about “starving Holocaust survivors” that features a younger woman narrating instead of that shyster above. We spend a helluva lot more on Israel over that 23 Billion. Trump’s lack of subtlety when remarking on using American blood and treasure to incrementally advance the interests of the Jewish state is one reason why the Israel lobby, which is perpetually paranoid about the public noticing their activities, is not keen on reciprocating his often suffocating love. In fact, not too long ago, some rabbis were “caught” using security grant funds for such purposes. It will be for others to judge whether I am “mentally challenged.” All I can say is what is truthful from my standpoint. Thus, the $3.8 billion figure that already outrages much of the American public is at the bare minimum about $23 billion per year, but could potentially be closer to $50 billion. The Israelis and the United States have exploited racial strife between blacks and Arabs in Sudan — funding the black side in Darfur (South Sudan) — during the country’s bloody civil war. Follow the shekels…the jewish “holohoax” crowd fears that their “cash cow” is coming to and end that they have come up with another discredited concept to “keep the dream alive” and to “keep the shekels flowing”. If you can’t trust these grifters, who can you trust? Unluckily, we are a country, not only controlled by idiots, but by power hungry idiots. Vote In Those Who will Introduce Jewish Emigration+to+ISR Incentives. In spite of this, we can arrive at a range. When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State I remember inadvertently coming across a small notice on the State Department’s official website to the effect that she had petitioned Congress for $15 million to subsidize Jewish war memorials (Auschwitz) in Europe. I just think that as a loyal American I ought to let you all know exactly what you are contending with when you criticize American support for the Israeli Project. Willkommen in unserer Community! Fakten statt Fake News! The writer has a very little knowledge about Sudan. I’ll tell you what I think the real threat (is) and actually has been since 1990 – it’s the threat against Israel,” Zelikow told a crowd at the University of Virginia on Sep. 10, 2002, speaking on a panel of foreign policy experts assessing the impact of 9/11 and the future of the war on the al-Qaeda terrorist organisation. If you drop a pebble in a small puddle, the ripples will be proportionally bigger than if you drop the same pebble in a swimming pool. Whatever the money- many Israelis are well aware of it: They’ll do what they’ve done over 100 times in the past, find a new victim. As far as I can tell, about 300,000 jews died in WWII. In Palestine itself, the Palestinian Authority under Mohammad Abbas has enjoyed about half a billion US dollars in aid, both to politically divide him from Hamas controlled Gaza, as well as subsidize the humanitarian costs of Israel’s occupation in the West Bank. Watch the trend in Hollywood. Legalizing all drugs will not do that. Most people are totally unaware of the difference between the light water reactor that requires a pressure vessel such as the ones that failed at Fukushima and Chernobyl and the molten salt variety that does away with all that pressure containment baggage. When I was young he made very clear to me that nuclear power would be mankind’s energy salvation if only two things were observed without fail: 1.) In my estimation, C Span is establishment (and zionist) Propaganda Central. In 1994, Jordan became the second Arab state after Egypt to restore formal ties with Israel. Of course, being jews, nothing was done about it. WHY would America support a nation that has been caught spying on America (Pollard), bombed American and British buildings in Egypt to initiate a war between the West and Egypt, brought terrorism to our shores whether directly or indirectly ( 5 Dancing Shlomos is really a spit in the face of America whether Israel did 9-11 or not, it lets America and Americans know how these people view America.) We are taught to believe Jews and Christians are brothers and sisters in church and Sunday school. Any Christian who supports an organization as disgusting as this one is doesn’t have both oars in the water. You support satan! Get all of's best Celebrities lists, news, and more. "three strikes" and remove miscreants with prejudice; At present there’s no country with currency backed by gold, silver or any kind of precious metal. Faisal was also a Nassar type Pan Arabist, not a big promoter of Wahhabism, the real reason for his assassination. Which is the whole point. The average person is too incurious and / or too ignorant of scientific developments to gain an understanding of what’s possible and that’s how they are forever being screwed by TPTsB. Not all Christians. They are there at the pleasure of Israel and if Israel told them to leave tomorrow they would have to leave. While the annexation project appears to have been put off, experts believe Israel will attempt to do so once Israel has a better foothold in the region. No country I think.... B/C no half decent country could neglect a citizen like Assange has been. 6) Palestine, Lebanon, Syria — Fluctuates. 2. there are other segments of US elites that influence US ME policy more than Jews & Israel. They’re all in secret alliance with Israel because that’s the side of bread that has the butter for them although they might pretend otherwise so as not to stir popular discontent. Anti mask mob invades a grocery store. Plants were designed and built with a cost-is-no-object approach to safety, reliability and upkeep; and 2.) Christians get to play the role of heroic foot soldiers, fighting ‘terror’. Israel, through its Lobby, is working overtime to convert the green and black colours on this world map to red and blue, and that includes Sudan, which is green: It divides the world’s countries into [four] different categories: those with which Jerusalem has “recently developed/upgraded” relations are marked in red; states that entertain “good relations” with Israel are in blue; and “overtly hostile enemy states” are in black. Conjured up locusts. Good to know where it goes. Abstract Aim The aim of this study is to explore advanced practice nurses’ perceptions of their leadership capabilities. You may not insert any intermediate page, splash page or other content between the RSS link and the applicable CNN Site web page. And that “foothold” is largely illusory anyway. With so many innocent lives lost to the war, I find it utterly obnoxious that jews inflate their death toll and make the war’s casualties all about them. Here's why you should skip the Covid Vaccine, Condition Red: Your Visual Displacement is Now Complete, Kenosha: All Three Anarchist Rioters Shot Have Violent Criminal Histories, CODENAME: Operation Virus Identification 2019; The elitist plan to remake society, Orwell's version of Sapir-Whorf theory vindicated, USA Today: Tom Brady epitomizes white privilege, Charles Murray's upcoming book: Facing Reality, Biden is employing Kamala as a token, not trusting her with responsibility, Twitter: Covid causing youths to knock down elderly Asians for fun, Xi and Putin make the case for win-win vs. zero-sum. THIS ACT ALONE should have ended America aligning itself with Israel. Steven universe movie to watch. America receives nothing but grief supporting a nation that has spied on them, attacked them, bombed American installations in Egypt trying lure the West into a war with Egypt, and lest we forget the Jews in “our” government are totally devoted to Israel’s interest first and foremost and could care less about America and work openly against taking away the civil rights of the Founding Stock of America aka Whites and importing nonwhites to genocide the Whites who built America through FORCED ASSIMILATION. Yesterday someone put this link on Phil Giraldi's column "Another Zionist Joins the Biden Team". While the coalition of the Syrian Army, Russia and Iran have largely defeated the ISIS and Al Qaeda rebels, the US is combining its humanitarian aid to anti-Assad areas while attempting to starve the country with crippling sanctions. We will be treated to Talmudic sophistry at its finest. Great supporters of Zionists. Those in power, when they think otherwise, easily override Israeli plans (Obama, Kerry). Pepsi and Coca Cola are just two examples of companies with ties to Israel. 3) Iraq — $1.1 Billion (Excluding cost of the Iraq war). Other than that, we don’t have to be in the Middle East. ‘Beware of trap’: Iranian FM warns Trump ‘Israeli agents’ are preparing ‘attacks’ on US forces in Iraq to spark war against Tehran. Einkaufen bei eBay ist sicher – dank Käuferschutz. It’s time to kick these blood-sucking ‘victims’ to the curb. Lazy or poor at math? Stop Voting In/Appointing Dual Citizens and those Married to Intl_Vunerability(like Mitch McConnell and Wife Elaine Chao – Wife’s Family’s Business are too close to Beijing). . In a, When earlier this year Donald Trump said he wanted to withdraw troops from Afghanistan — a move supported by the overwhelming majority of the American people —, Last year, the US State Department cut aid to Lebanon’s military in half after a, In Syria, which Wikileaks of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton exposed as nothing more than a, While the coalition of the Syrian Army, Russia and Iran have largely defeated the ISIS and Al Qaeda rebels, the US is combining its humanitarian aid to anti-Assad areas while attempting to starve the country with, Under Trump’s deal with Morocco, its king Mohammed VI will receive, The interests of the Western Saharans are represented by the Polisario Front, a nationalist group seeking independence and self-governance. It’s not called “Jew York City” for no reason. It’s only fair. Leaders of both Parties are all on board. In Spike Lee's "Blakkk Klansman" a Jewish po... God, you’re right. And what is the actual percentage of Homeland Security’s grant budget for Jewish interests? It gets much worse… 23 trillion a year is just the tip of the iceberg, over 10 trillion has been pissed off on the zionist wars for Israel that the ZUS has been forced to fight as the result of the Israeli and zionist and ZUS traitors attack on the WTC on 911 which was blamed on the Arabs and was used to destroy the middle east for the greater Israel project. Demand an exposé on zionism; demand that C Span stop allowing verbal attacks on “white people.” Our sympathy for the unfortunate is making us one of them ! For the longest time, it was repeated over and over that the U.S. spends only 3 billion a year on Israel.. An eight fold increase is an indication of something. Fail to support Israel and they probably won’t stay in congress long. Also, the oil thing seems to be a state-sanctioned conspiracy theory to divert attention away from the corrosive effects of the Jewish lobbies who regularly push for war. The miracle of printing an unlimited supply of “money”, allows idiots to do what under normal circumstances would be consider insane. As written before, the Saudis and UAE are receiving over $120 billion in US weapons — an idea that previously would’ve been a non-starter in Washington due to potentially undermining Israel’s qualitative military edge over Arabs. Saudi Arabia, the nation from which 15 out of 19 of the 9/11 hijackers originated, also lobbies the United States government through AIPAC. Although the incidence varies from country to country, cardiac arrest affects several million people annually, with an average survival rate of <10%. The Coronavirus Test - Are You a Clock or an Orange? Next up to drain, China which has at least 8,000 tons of gold & some say it may be close to 20,000 tons which they are using to back their digital currency. ” If this sounds frightfully coincident with communism, you would be drawing an accurate conclusion. Multiplied fish for the hungry. When the US Congress passed a resolution to end US support for the Saudi war effort, Donald Trump vetoed the bill and, unlike the NDAA, no attempt was made to override this decision. If the ARABS were ALSO cut off from American support (meaning the whole world is cut off), the entire globe would look differently anyway. The real shame is that we allow Cubans like Rubio and Cruz to hold any power. America does not have military bases in Israel, nor does Israel have anything to trade. Thanks to our growing community of Holocaust™ Survivor sponsors, we continue to increase our impact and reach, helping more Holocaust™ Survivors than we did the year before. We value excellent academic writing and strive to provide outstanding essay writing service each and every time you place an order. Column Has Come to an Adios. But the rector got his photo op with the bishop from Atlanta. Talk about a scam of epic proportions, here is the latest scam thought up by the “holohoax” crowd… I disagree with your assertion of the Israel Lobby being nothing unique and just one of many other lobbies, no other lobby has politicians brown nosing another country, one that has not been the best of allies, like the Israel Lobby does. Israel’s parasitic nature is only one of our problems. 3) Sudan — $1 Billion and Taken Off State-Supporter of Terrorism List. They now could get water without walking as far as they used to. The Israelis have been using Afghanistan to spy on the Iranian military and engage in various black ops against their country. Let us recall that Iran tried to create an oil trading bourse a few years back. The financial analyst is ‘bullish’ on Teva now because the company has a new CEO who is being counted on to extricate Teva from its legal doldrums without suffering any financial loss. Very eye opening for Christen/Muslim US tax payer who are subsidizing for Israeli Programs like this one. They will have their own term for me. We are taught to believe Jews and Christians are brothers and sisters in church and Sunday school. Copy the URL/shortcut that corresponds to the topic that interests you. So fortunate to have the super bestest ally ever and God on our side. Hec ranking lahore universities. Some years ago a dermatologist prescribed a creme produced by the Taro company. Some of us have been trying for years, but without enough other people to help it didn’t do anything except keep our conscience clean. The real holocost survivors are those on the planet that have seen the 6 gorillion figure a zillion times yet haven’t succumbed to that toxic propaganda & still can think for themselves. Auf der regionalen Jobbörse von inFranken finden Sie alle Stellenangebote in Bamberg und Umgebung | Suchen - Finden - Bewerben und dem Traumjob in Bamberg ein Stück näher kommen mit! Muttmerica has already made boycott of Pissrael illegal. Does anyone know what birth years are considered or designated for Jews to qualify as holocaust victims. Obviously these White Christian Zionists, ( face it, Black “Christians” are so racist they will only send money to help other Blacks, and some are so cheap and selfish they don’t send money to anyone) have no problem NEGLECTING THEIR WHITE BRETHREN and would rather send their money to anti-White Blacks in Haiti and Africa, Southeast Asia, or those poor starving Jews who love Christians so much. We write essays, research papers, term papers, course works, reviews, theses and more, so our primary mission is to help you succeed academically. the nations of the world united in the “Atoms for Peace” program all decided on a single repository for the waste that was 100% safely located and internationally protected by treaties, with costs of storage and protection of the site shared by all participants. 1 INTRODUCTION. Plucky May 12, 2017 at 9:08 pm. As Mondoweiss pointed out at the time, the explosive admission went completely unmentioned in the mainstream media, which traditionally hangs on every one of Trump’s words and reacts hysterically. Regards. That’s a momentous development, Amazon deleting comments on reviews. Sleeping christians, wake up! But what about those elderly starving “holocaust” victims living in squalor, and starving? I had enough with that shit. This is where the fight needs to be focused. One of the consequences of the Zionazi reign of terror on free thought and speech is that all but groveling cravens, liars, hypocrites and cozeners will be driven fro... What's good news here is the profound stupidity of the Guardian. It is one thing to talk about doing things and another to actually do them. The political cost of that far exceeds a foot, more like an arm and a leg. Even if you claim it was these two who goaded Bush into war, it would be no different than self-professed Zionists doing the same — a distinction without a difference. I’m not against renewable technologies, especially solar. Thanks to intergenerational transmission of Holocaust™ trauma, never. South Sudan got independence by splitting from Sudan in July 2011. The RSS service may be used only with those platforms from which a functional link is made available that, when accessed, takes the viewer directly to the display of the full article on the CNN Site. Absolutely. Anti-Semitism makes you stupid. Let’s be honest, the average American is only worth about $600 to the US government because it would be extremely easy to import a whole new group of people who would love to be Americans. And the “war for oil” myth was demolished over a decade ago: The Covid-19 Vaccine; Is the Goal Immunity or Depopulation? One cost that Striker does not mention in thus article is the cost of housing refugees and the cost of dealing with their unique culture in Europe, something which has come about due to Israeli wars. The cost is even more. It’s also a nonsense “question”, because the money is not “from America”, it represent the support that Americans have for their Israeli allies and cousins, and friends. 20 noteworthy quotes, lyrics, and captions from Black celebs; Kelsea Ballerini: 'Mean Instagram comments hurt my feelings... so I turned them off' I boycott homedepot because Bernie Marcus is a huge supporter of Israel and donates heavily to GILEE. He decided that it would be great to raise $35,000 to build a well in Tanzania. How did you arrive at the $5,000 figure? (I don’t drink soda, but that is for health reasons. When are they going to run out of victims of the “holocaust?” WWII ended 75 years ago, so how many people were even around back then. lolol. No pun intended. Unprecedented. No longer content to merely compare shoes on Sunday, some of the more affluent members signed up to make the trip to Africa for the photo op. It’s not uncommon for trauma to be passed down for many generations, waiting to be called forth when the times demand — like slavery, for example, is in American history. This is a complex structure, and Israel lobby can put pressure on it, but it is not decisive. We also must calculate the immense damage done to America by Jews controlling over 90% of the MSM, Hollywood, TBTF Wall Street banks, the Treasury & FED, plus Congress & WH. Until dispensationalism is destroyed the support for Israel is unstoppable. Hell, America not only supports Israel, it is subservient to this tiny little nation that shits on America and laughs about it. A pervasive world view that characterizes liberal American Jews and Israelis both and completely, is that a globalist leftist leveling of the great diaspora is the ultimate salvation of the eternally marginalized Jews on the planet. Where does all this money go? For just ₪80 $hekel$ each month, you too can sponsor a Holocaust™ Survivor! First off, the “petrodollar” does not benefit the US economy, not any more. Updated world stock indexes. This means that I was thoroughly imbued with the notion that to be a good American is entirely consistent with being a supporter of Israel and Zionism; that our interests as Americans and Jews (and Israelis) are in complete synchronicity. We have so called representatives, that do not care how decayed and dumpy the nation looks or how it serves its citizens. This is despite there being a huge cost in producing solar panels. She's also a YouTube star.…” He recently died and left the scam to his daughter. In the ‘land of the Free’, all US politicians (with the glaring exception of a few radical outliers like Ilhan Omar) are unconditionally pro-Zionist.

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