my cat hates me when i'm on my period

I’m going to go ahead and put out a disclaimer — if you ever find yourself in the company of my dog, you’re very likely going to get a nose in the crotch. You may have a cat who prefers personal space, but don’t mistake this for hate. Sometime last month, she went under the couch because a noise scared her. Reason 3: Your bathroom smells funky. Loudly. Even if their behavior might seem odd to us, cats have many signs that show they love us. The trouble with the bathroom – from a cat’s perspective, anyway – is not only that it can’t successfully be marked up with territorial scent, it’s also that the bathroom has all kinds of weird-smelling chemicals: “In the bathroom you use shampoo and conditioner in a hot environment, so there are different smells wafting around. I’m eighteen. On Catsite, another user describes , "every time I start singing, just about anything, loudly, my cat … In fact, I could match my fitness tracker with hers (correcting for when I’m not home, of course) and compare. I get showered in bites & licks. 6. But if she's comfortable having period sex, she'll propose it. Although she is very shy, she does return my slow blinks to let me know she appreciates and loves me. I had to fight him off of me. Please before you flame, hear me out. If I'm gone for 10 hours, as soon as he hears my voice, he runs out of his hiding spot & won't leave me alone. However, I controlled my anger 2 times after that I couldn't take it. I’ve tried to include her in things, ask her opinion, talk to her while driving, and continually tell her and show her how much we love her. I have never had that experience with cats. C. My cat likes me a lot! Help. Related Topics. This will teach your cat to eat at certain regular times and will provide a comforting routine. The exact cause is unknown. kittybloger. Which Is Better For You: Cat Or Dog? I always joke that my cat hates me because she growls whenever I pick her up. Tolerates affection. I have two cats, and my female cat gets agitated when I sing notes in my soprano range at high volume and fast vibrato - so much so that she tries to jump up and bite my nose or upper lip!" Well PMS basically happens due to hormonal changes around your menstrual cycle. He had been with me for 16 years and 2 months from the 16 and 4 months of his entire life! My daughter is sooo irritable now that she’s started her period. She became scared of me and whenever I came towards her, she would run away. He’ll occasionally offer a purr as I walk by and allows me to pet him around the ears as much as I like. Also: purring. And that is not fair to him or I. I am really looking for help or advice. D. I am my cat's best friend! And he grew with me as much as I grew with him! But one thing that's always intrigued us: Do our pets know when we’re on our periods? It might be very long, but it's also very accurate! I’m in my early 30s, and I’ve found the man I want to marry and start a family with. This quiz will give you an idea of when you will get your first period. I leaned under to try and coax her out, and she wouldn't come but she didn't look scared/mad, so I reached my hand under and she scratched me, really bad, like we're talking dripping blood open wound. Happy New Year to me. i used to love cat so thought it was a pregnancy thing but i still dont have any time for him he still annoys me!! This happened 3 times. Frequently when you glance up, your cat will be watching you. I grabbed her from the ears and slapped her, then locked her in the bathroom with the litter box. Dogs definitely know something's different with you. Facebook Pin 10 Email Print. However, I’m pretty sure she’s just a hands off hang out with me kind of cat. My cat Lui has a very large attachment to me. And he was my love! Advice. Number 2 whoever this is, is an absolute idiot and I wouldn’t put my cat in her care for 5 minutes Reply :hug: my cat got really on my nerves when i was pregnant i couldnt stand him couldnt even touch him every were he walked i had to anitbacterial spray :lol: he would always come near me meiowing. Kitten ; Mammal ; Pet ; Cat Breed ; Dog ; More Cat Quizzes. My wife likes to be warmer than me and we bought an electric blanket some years back, with separate control for each side, so she can be cranked up to 11 while I'm still at a comfortable temperature. To be honest I am a very short tempered guy, and I lose control when I'm angry. However, my family dog did like to drag tampons out of the trash and trot around the house with them. I'm beginning to hate my cat. I defiantly think so. I'm 17, and I have had a cat named Tippy since I was 13. The cat hasn’t had any time to do a scent investigation or figure out if this person is friend or foe. B. I think my cat likes me most of the time! I have been away on a job for a long period of time. by Dr. Kathryn Primm. I cant keep a cat that has such a hugely negative impact on my life. What I can see is that when I’m sleeping, she’s sleeping. This is my best cat fact. Your cat is talking to you. At first, one or both pets may be too distracted by the sound of the other pet to play or eat treats. If such a cat exhibits fear, we will likely not know if it is learned or simply neophobia.We do not know if the cat has experienced traumatic events in their past such as abuse or abandonment. She likes to be petted but only for as long as she says so… She seeks me out when hungry or thirsty, lays around in the same room as I am, usually near my feet or on the back of the couch. My semi-feral cat, Brownie, has been with me since she was 8 weeks old, yet she retains much of her reclusive feral quality. Stay out of the area while your cat eats and give him a quiet, safe place to eat alone, away from distractions or competition from other pets. The cat was watching me from a seated position and then ran toward me and jumped on my digging his claws in my chest and legs. If you want to know when you will most probably start your period, take this quiz. Sometimes, if I’m lying on my back, he creeps alongside of me until finally he is resting in my chest, don’t know why, but if I don’t move he will eventually lay a paw on my cheek as to get my attention. I'm now 28, so he was a part of my life for more than half of the time that I'm on this world! I live at home with my family in El Paso, Texas. We live in a good-sized house surrounded by tall yellow grass. If my cat can't use English to show they love me, we have to see what other signs they use to show us love. Some people sum this up as a “creepy stalker” type of watching, but I don’t think that is what it is at all. Good training goals to work on with your dog during this period are coming when called, eye contact (AKA “watch me”), and “leave it”—all three will come in handy when the cat and dog are in the same space together later on. My cat is my baby and will be treated like any of my family. I got my first period on Rosh Hashanah when I was 12 years old. Hi everyone! I got out of bed that morning, went to the bathroom, and saw spotting in my underwear. And just prior to that he was mega purring. We spend huge amounts of time with our pets, and they see us in many different emotional and physical states . How Evil Is Your Cat? PLEASE. Look for your cat’s personal indicators of affection — and don’t try to force it. The cat parent may pick up the cat and physically place her in the new person’s arms. Offer his food for a short period of time and then take it away. ... We still live apart for one reason: my cat. I'm not a professional, so I can't promise it to be 100% accurate, but I can say it's 99% accurate and you can trust it. I know you're horny, and so is she (well, maybe -- being on my period makes me horny, but for some women it does the opposite). Cats do have a much better sense of smell than humans do. I dont actually hate any animal, but I am extremely tired and annoyed with my cat. She wants nothing to do with her dad and me, and now at age 16, it remains the same. I have been home now for 4 months and my cat at first was mad at me but now has become extremely demanding of my attention and if I speak to someone else he growls and hisses at me while in my lap. And that she has clear patterns of activity that reflect, to an extent, our activity in the home (note: this is not a scientific result!). My daughter seemed to change overnight when she turned 13. It’s all going really well in spite of the circumstances; the humans all get on great and adore cats, and the cat loves people. Add to that, the fact that this person is probably spending time in more areas of the house that the cat considers more of her personal territory. My cat and I (they) have been staying with my partner of two years, K (they) and their other partner, S (she) during the COVID-19 mess. I suffered a heart attack and had surgery in 2017, since then Dutch started snuggling next to my side or my back while I’m sleeping. Many people will give you a resounding “yes,” when it comes to dogs. If I’m on my bed, he’ll be on the floor nearby. If we introduce an adult cat into a home, it can be difficult to know the specifics of their past. I … So much so that I think about getting rid of him often. Some girls even keep a pocket calendar and mark the days of their period with an X. Then- count 30 days from the first "x" to the projected start date of her next period. This article on the 10 signs that my cat loves me from oneHOWTO shows us what all the licks, belly rolls and head butts actually mean. He was a proud, chubby (at least until a month ago), little brown and white, green eyed cat! Look at your cat and … How Evil Is Your Cat? It’s helpful to remind your daughter to wear a panty-liner when it gets a couple of days from her period. Hi, I’m Julie Hastings. Hey there. My mother even says she forgets we have him because he's only out when I'm around. I’m a 34-year-old, child-free queer woman, and have recently come out of a decadelong relationship with someone who realized they’re asexual, and … Ask A Vet: Why Does My Cat Stare At Me? My cat hates me! Your cat is telling you it loves you. I’m just really perplexed by kitty’s reaction when K and I kiss.

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