pathfinder kingmaker swamp ruins

Westcrown Firebrand - +1 bonus on Initiative checks, and if you act in a surprise round, you gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls. If you followed this guide through the area you should have found three Mudleaf plants (along the pass that connected the road to where you found Falchos and Tiressia), Dizzyhead plants (near the Giant Slug duo in the poison mist along the southeastern corner of the map) and Gloomberries (northwest of Dorsy’s house, near the Giant Slug trio). After dealing with the Everbloom Flower, you’ll have to split up your party, and while it’s a short duration, both half-parties will have to win a battle while divided before they’re allowed to regroup. Creepy. When you make the former of the two responses, the gnome will tell you that you must destroy the Everbloom Flower with fire… in both the Other World and your own world. She lives in a house outside the village.” and Tiressia will give you A Letter from Settrex to His Daughter to deliver to Elga. With any luck, your schmoozing - or genuine acts of goodwill, if that’s how you prefer to play it - will pay off later. Dropping a Haste here to preserve your other buffs (like Stoneskin) is a fine idea. When the Giant Fly Trap is defeated, your party will reunite only to be immediately accosted by a Primal Manticore and a Primal Hydra. 6. We’ll talk later.”. Your email address will not be published. Make sure your Magical Lantern is not equipped, then head through the mist to the west to switch from Plane B to Plane A (where the Old Gnome can be found). This chest will leave you richer by one Scroll of Cure Light Wounds, a Scroll of Hold Person and some gold coins. Haste is a must-have, as always, and the humble Glitterdust spell will help keep them from going invisible, which will significantly hinder your foes both offensively and defensively. You can also rest at the nearby Hearth [Perception 1], which will certainly prove invaluable before long. East of the shrine you’ll find some ominous purple mist. In some bushes to the west of said ruins you can find a hidden [Perception 19] Token of the Dryad. (1 of 3) While not as dangerous as the owlbears earlier, hitting the Hodag-like Treants with debuffs like Glitterdust won’t hurt. Leave the two fey behind and continue east to find some foliage you can loot [Perception 0] to score a Narlbarb. Instead, turn your attention to the mist portals that adorn this section of the Other World, including one to the east and west of the dais you saw the ghostly nymph on, and two (also to the east and west) along the southern end of the area. Whether you pick the [Lawful Good] option or extort a reward from Tiressia is up to you. Save before interacting with one, as they’re surprisingly difficult [Knowledge (Nature) 27] to harvest, and you’ll want to harvest as many as you can. The second, non-protagonist party will appear in a vine-covered cave. Continue north after the ghostly figures vanish, vanquish two Primal Giant Spiders, and beyond them you’ll find another cloud of mist. Fighting the Old Beldame isn’t terribly rewarding, nor is it ideal from a story perspective. Once the well is opened (you’ll get the option to perform a [Detect Magic] and [Will 20] check at the well, but they don’t really achieve much) you’ll be confronted by two War Wisps and an Ancient Will-o-Wisp. Either way you go about engaging the Scythe-Tree, the normal buffs work fine here, and with the fog neutralized, the Scythe-Tree isn’t too terrible of an opponent. Collect these bones, then head west to return to the pool of bitter regrets near the ruins. Recommended requirements Video card: VRAM: 6 GB, NVIDIA GTX 1060 / GTX 1660 Super or AMD Radeon RX 590 CPU: Intel Core i7-4790 or AMD Ryzen 3 3200G Memory: 12 GB A Tatzelwyrm is a mythical creature associated with the Swiss, French, Italian, Austrian, and Bavarian Alps. (1 of 3) Talk to Tiressia to start the quest “Gnarled Branches”. In some bushes to the west of said ruins you can find a hidden [Perception 19] Token of the Dryad. This 2nd level spell will mitigate the effects of poison for the spell’s duration, and since that duration is measured in hours, you’ll be well clear of the poison mist before the effects kick in. Indeed, only this monster’s DR 10/silver should give you any worry, a damage threshold you should be easily capable of battering through. (1 of 3) and a variety of Dizzyhead plants. In Plane B (where you saw two scenes with the Guardian of the Bloom) these two areas are connected. Or an Other World, as the case may be. (1 of 4) If you fail to properly buff, the wisps will deal grievous damage with their Lightning Form attacks. After that, you really have only four options for proceeding: calling out to the hut’s inhabitant, throwing a pebble at the window [Dexterity 15], ringing the bell near the gate, or rudely opening the gate. The nearby chest is less of a hassle, just walk up and loot it to gather a Potion of Enlarge Person, a Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds and a Scroll of Bless, among other treasures. Better to have it early than need it late. (left), Search a hidden, locked and trapped chest near Dorsy’s hut to obtain the “Demolisher” weapon. Once those options are stripped away, you’re left with a rare case of moral duality. This should be the third and final ingredient you need to recover for the quest Swamp Bouquet. While the Scythe-Tree lurks to the east, you might as well be kind to this old specter and deal with whatever lurks in the well, which is to the west. Speaking of chopping the Scythe-Tree down, one last note - the Scythe Tree has Damage Reduction against piercing and bludgeoning attacks, so be sure you’re using slashing weapons. While you’ve known for a long time that the Guardian of the Bloom wanted to keep the Stolen Lands lawless and uncivilized, what you didn’t know was how she’d set up – and then toppled – rulers and strongmen. A fourth and fifth Dizzyhead are easier to find [Perception 18], one being located north of the Giant Slugs near some trees, while another can be found along the eastern edge of the map just east of the Giant Slugs. Something to keep in mind for later, no doubt. If you pick the [Neutral Evil] option, the untrustworthy fey will try to charm you [Will DC 26]. You’ll take damage each round you remain in the mist and for a few rounds thereafter, making it a significant hindrance to further exploration. Continue north and you’ll find another intact hut, the inhabitant of which - a Ghoul named Dorsy - is even more unsavory than the witch to the south! Respond to the gnome when he questions your motivations – a rare full-spectrum moral choice – however best suits your protagonist, then after some ominous, fatalistic commentary from the gnome, ask “I’ve solved your riddle. The coins, it turns out, are the clue you were looking for, as they’re more than humble currency - they’re the tools of a curse. Defeating them piecemeal is considerably easier than defeating them all at once, and a single Grease or Web spell achieves this admirably. Pathfinder: Kingmaker – A Flower in the Swamp Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Season of Bloom Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Betrayer’s Flight: Temple of the Elk Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker – So Shall You Reap Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Three-Pine Islet Walkthrough, Reward: For destroying the Everbloom Flower. Unlike previous manticores you fought, these beasts have 20% concealment, a slight amount of Damage Reduction, high HP, and higher Attack bonuses than you’re used to, from Manticores, at least. A third, difficult to find [Perception 27] Dizzyhead plant can be found near some bushes southeast of the Giant Slugs. If they do land a hit, the struck character will have to make a Fortitude Save or sustain Constitution damage, hence the “venom” in their name. These foes are superficially similar to Will-o-Wisps in that they are spectral foes with a high Armor Class (a problem exacerbated by their 50% concealment) but there the similarities end. Follow the ruins to the east, turning northeast when some rocks force you to do so. What this “eldest” entity is and why she needs to atone are a mystery as of yet, but it does suggest that even should you end the threat the Guardian of the Bloom poses to your barony, it may be just the beginning of your troubles. Worst case scenario, if you can’t find a use for it, the phylactery will sell for 3,000 GP. While you could continue following the road southwest, there are areas of interest to the south and east that should be explored, first. This should only leave the Gloomberries, which you’ll get to shortly. There are two ways of going about this, either lure the Scythe-Tree to you, or protect yourself from the poison. (1 of 3) As you move through a pass, you’ll hear disembodied voices. First you need to finish up this area, which you can progress towards by plundering the Old Beldame’s yard. Defeat the worgs and strip them of their hides, then continue west to the edge of the ruins whence they prowled. In this Dark Souls Remastered Guide we’re going to show you the easiest root through the game, as well as things you don’t want to miss when you are in each location. When you interact with it, you’ll get a new option, [Throw the bird’s bones into the water. Plunder the chest, then return back east to the western-most ruined house, from which continue south, then turn east once you clear the house. Not only does it have a high Attack bonus (high enough to reliably hit a well-buffed tank) but it deals a hefty bit of damage per attack, too. Make your way north and kill two small groups of Primal Giant Spiders, then continue north and east to find an iridescent bird on some vines [Perception 0] that clearly has no natural fear of humanoids. Still, consider picking it up if you have the coin. Ignore it for now and head northeast instead, stopping to pick some of the Gloomberries that grow around here. Looks like you’ve got more work to do. However you go about it, defeat the Venomhodags, then loot their lair to find a branch [Perception 19] hiding some baubles to the west, and a corpse near which you’ll find a suit of Leather Armor +2, along with some less-interesting items to the southeast. The real trouble with this foe is its hallucination gaze, which will transfix characters should they fail a Will DC 21 save, keeping them from acting unless the Scarecrow attacks them. Without its animal defenders, the plant can do little but die, which surprisingly prompts debate on what to do with the vegetation. Not only was poor Wilber twice-cursed, but so was Callistropsia, Nyta’s bride which became the Scythe Tree. 8 thoughts on “ Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Other World Walkthrough ” Nav October 3, 2018 Reply Instead of getting the the 3 owlbears in the fight for the first party, I got 2 dire venom wolves and the greater owlbear-like treant that only gets knocked down but doesn’t die. Keep the Magical Lantern stashed away and head through some mist to the north to seemingly travel back to where you last saw the ghostly images, near where you killed the last pair of Primal Giant Spiders. Whatever else this plant is good for, it’ll sell for around 70 GP, so it’s well worth grabbing. When your mage spots the Scythe-Tree, hit it with Acid Splash, and when it advances, retreat. That said, there’s still more left to explore in this area. For now, however, you’re finally done with the Swamp Witch’s Hut area, and you should start planning your trip back to Tuskdale. That said, a well-built, fully buffed party does stand a chance here despite the fact that the Owlbears have a decent Armor Class (24), an Attack bonus that only the most min-maxed tanks can withstand (and even then, only with buffs), and they can deal 30~ damage per hit. No need to search far, just hit the TAB key to spot some rocks nearby, under which you’ll find a Phylactery of Positive Channeling. Sure, slightly spoilerific, but you’ll probably want to be prepared. The wrecked transport with the printing press can be found on the map “Swamp … You saw the origin story of the Stag Lord back in the day, now it looks like this nymph is getting her own. The “Owlbear” part is bad enough, but when you start affixing adjectives like “greater” and “enraged”, it just gets worse, and against three such foes at once? Before returning to the specter back east, first head west and dispatch the Tatzlwyrms, in case you didn’t do so already. Locations for Pathfinder: Kingmaker are covered on this page. Return back to the road and follow it south until you find a tiny branch veering off to the east. With that, the northeastern edge of the map has been explored, but there’s still a lot of fighting left in this area. After resting, return to the oddly-ominous stone to find that the beautifully singing bird is now gone, and in its place are some Bird Bones. Unlock [Trickery 30] this chest to obtain Graceful End, an Estoc +1 with the “Agile” property. As you turn south, however, note the cluster of trees further west. Yes, that means some save/loading is in order, but it’s worth your time. Before you leave via either the area transition to the south or southeast, loot a chest near the plant [Perception 28] [Trickery 29] to score 403 GP, some masterwork weapons and a potion. South of the Tatzlwyrms you’ll find an area transition - potentially useful if you need to retreat and rest. Continue pelting it with Acid Splash until it’s been lured clear of the fog, then surround it and cut it down. Last updated on May 27th, 2018. Using Glitterdust to blind them isn’t a bad idea, although a well-built tank should be able to dodge most of their attacks. Make your way back to the Everbloom Flower and before you interact with it, you should be warned of what comes next. If you suffer a critical hit it could spoil the entire affair, while a fortuitous critical hit on your part might edge victory decidedly in your favor. First it’s some Giant Frogs, then some Tatzlwyrms (including a Greater Tatzylwyrm), and finally a Poisonous Shambling Mound. Lure them south and bottleneck them near the ruins, as they’re much easier to deal with one at a time. No such threat is present here now, but if you head north to the pool of bitter regrets you’ll find a pair of Primal Manticores. Be sure to obtain at least three of them for an upcoming quest. Pass through the thicket (if you fail the [Athletics 22] check you’ll take damage) and you’ll find yourself in a fight with four Venomhodags. Split your party and wait. Good and pragmatic characters will argue for destroying it without further delay, while evil and sentimental characters will well, they don’t really offer much suggestion, just express regret at having to destroy such a beautiful – and useful – plant. Return to the southern area transition near which you slew a group of Tatzlwyrms and from there head north to find a pack of Dire Boars near a wooden fence. “A dryad named Tiressia remembers you and would be glad to see you again. (1 of 3) Defeat several Dire Boars so you can reach the Old Beldame’s hut. Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Troll Trouble Walkthrough After completing the initial quests in your log, you'll enter the free roaming portion of the game with no main quest to take care of for awhile. Inside this chest you’ll find a Scroll of Bless and a Potion of Bull’s Strength along with a trivial amount of coins. Unfortunately, the way to the well isn’t without peril. This time, the word “greater” is somewhat misplaced, as it doesn’t fare any better in combat than the Werewolf you slew in the Old Mesa area. If you grabbed the Dizzyhead plant earlier near the Giant Slugs, pick the dialogue option [Show the herb you’ve found at the swamp] “This seems to be an unusual herb. These are probably significant, so you should hold onto them. If you’re not completely sold on the Phylactery of Positive Channeling or just wish to test all your options, consider holding off on returning to Wilber’s specter for the time being. Continue following the edge of the scrub to the southeast until you find a spot where you can attempt an [Athletics 26] check. Even if it’s not your ideal weapon type, you should keep it handy, as it’ll likely prove more effective than other weapons against a narrow selection of powerful foes. Can you tell me what it is?” and she’ll instruct you to find three Mudleaf, Gloomberry and Dizzyhead samples for her. If you don’t interact with Nyta’s corpse until after you have the Ancient Wedding Ring you can dispose of this ring at her corpse, but the end effect is functionally identical to just putting flowers near the corpse. (right). Remove ads and unlock special features, Baronial Business after the Troll Trouble, Baronial Business after the Varnhold Expedition, Return to the Bridge Over the Gudrin River, War of the River Kings - River Blades' Camp, War of the River Kings - Pitax Royal Palace, Sound of a Thousand Screams - Saving Allies, Sound of a Thousand Screams - Exploring the House at the Edge of Time, Sound of a Thousand Screams - Mirror Memories and Three Keys to the Apology, Sound of a Thousand Screams - Showdown with Nyrissa, The Cursed King - Showdown with the Lantern King, Chapter 1 - Getting Started in the Outskirts, Chapter 1 - Trailing Tartuccio and the Stag Lord, the wisp you encountered earlier at Old Sycamore. In some crops near the Scarecrow you should find a Token of the Dryad in some foliage, and in a chest near the eponymous hut you’ll find some food and a Fish-on-a-Stick Recipe. Following the above strategy, we were successful in two out of five fights, and on each successful attempt nobody was brought to “Death’s Door”. This is not a quest you want to miss out on, nor is the Scythe-Tree a foe you want to fight unprepared. I killed the Owlbear Trent. The real goal of the spell isn’t to catch them behind the fence however, but rather to slow them down as they run around said fence and approach from the west. Win this fight and you’ll find out that the battle may have been won, but the war isn’t won yet, as the Old Gnome will show up to tell you (cryptically, as usual) what comes next. Yeah, this sort of thing is beneath you, but it can’t hurt to appease them. Not a bad haul. Next turn your attention to two bluish, swirling clouds of mist on the ground. With that you should be done in this area… at least as far as fighting goes. The penalty for this act of desecration? (1 of 2) Give the coins to Dorsy to free him from his curse for a Cloak of Resistance +2. Venture northwest, then north to spot the Giant Fly Trap and engage with your tank. (right). Just be sure to cast the electrical variant to give all your characters Electrical Resistance 10/-. Follow her phantom to the north and you’ll be treated to another scene, this time with her being accosted by some Will-o-Wisps, burdened with the task of “making ruins of kingdoms”, apparently to feed the “eldest”. If, on the other hand, you head west you’ll encounter an Owlbear (no surprising combat stats this time), south of which you’ll find some ruins near a pool of water. (right). Bring the coins back to Wilber and you can free him from his curse. Assuming you avoid the temptation to just murder these two fey outright (a [Chaotic Evil] act which will only net you some experience and a Chainshirt +1), engage in dialogue with them. If you fail, you’ll be forced to pick one of several dialogue options agreeing to help them, after which you’ll be transported to the site of the Scythe-Tree and thrown into combat, while if you succeed, the miffed Satyr will attack. If you want a Wayfinder that bad, take Rich Parents, and have 400 gold left over. After they’re dead, loot the Greater Werewolf for a Masterwork Longsword and a Breastplate. You’ll need to circumvent these ruins by continuing west for a bit, but before that, let’s clear up a small encounter to the east. Will-o-Wisps didn’t have much damage potential, but these Wisps will readily assume a “Lightning Form”, dealing heavy (don’t be surprised to see 20-30 damage) electrical damage to all opponents in a line, essentially functioning as a Lightning Bolt spell. Regardless of etymology, all accounts tend to agree that the Tatzelwyrm-like creature is defined by a serpentine body and a cat-like face, sometimes with venomous glands or poisonous breath. We’ll deal with them later, when we can reach them, but for now let’s continue exploring this area. Here you will find a list of all companions in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, their locations, special features, romances as well as tips on skills and equipment. Even though they’re individually pretty easy to cut down, it’ll take time, and while you work on one of the slugs, the other two will be punishing you. Unlock [Trickery 18] this chest and nab the loot inside, including a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, a Potion of Shield of Faith, a Scroll of Bless and a Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds, among other baubles. Neither are easy foes, but the offensive power of three Owlbears easily surpasses the Giant Flytrap. Failing that, you can attack the owlbear, pass the Perception check in the progress, beat it into submission, retreat and hope combat ends (the further away you can get from the owlbear, the better off you’ll be). Despite being quite dead, this corpse insists it doesn’t want to fight, and is capable of engaging in halting speech. Head south from the shrine and you’ll find another chest near a fence, in which you can discover a Potion of Barkskin, a Scroll of Bless and two Scrolls of Cure Light Wounds. In Plane A (the one you originally entered) there are two small areas in the center, with the northern one housing the Old Gnome and the southern one (where you initially appeared) being home to Primal Giant Spiders. Show yourselves!” one of your companions will helpfully suggest that the voices probably belong to some of the fey creatures that inhabit the area, and given the story of the corpse - Nyta - that seems to be a pretty good guess. If you choose the [Detect Magic] option, you’ll confirm that enchantments are at work keeping the corpse from rotting; quite possibly a labor of love on the part of the fey that now threaten you. Defeat them, then search the eastern end of which you’ll find a corpse and a chest, both of which you can loot. A rock [Perception 19] to the southeast of this chest, well-hidden by foliage, contains a Taldan Warrior’s Dog Tag. It really all depends on which owlbears are affected by Web and Slow, when they reach you, if you or they score critical hits and if you can keep control of your Hasted warriors well enough. As usual, Haste will help immensely. @gerhart for me it was automatic after defeating all the enemies with the first party. From the area transition in the northwestern corner of the map, follow the edge of the map south to find a thicket of trees. If you asked The Old Beldame if she was Elga Verniex you’ll be able to report to the Dryad about the location of the missing half-breed fey. If you pick the dialogue option “Who is there? Keep pelting them with these spells the rest of the fight, as inflicting these debuffs are far more important than whatever chip damage your spells could otherwise deal. If you can engage with your tank(s) (the recipients of any Blur/Displacement spells you may have cast) you’ll increase your survivability, and flanking serves as a force multiplier. Sure enough, head downhill to the southwest and you’ll find two groups of Primal Giant Spiders. Chat with them and you can learn some interesting things about the area, like the fate of the village that used to stand here… A good warning to avoid mingling with fey creatures, if the Guardian of the Bloom hadn’t already taught you that. Cast Invisibility, Greater on your sneakiest character and press the Stealth button. Put down these beasts and you’ll be free to search their lair for… a Token of the Dryad stashed in some branches. There are in fact three such beasts, led by a Greater Worg. Beyond this demanding Athletics check is an Owlbear den, where you’ll encounter three Greater Enraged Owlbears. On this corpse you’ll find Swordsman’s Passion, a Dueling Sword +2 with the Agile property; something of a niche weapon, to be sure, but at the very least it can be sold to a merchant for 5,000 GP if you can’t find a home for it in your party. This starts the quest Swamp Bouquet. How much of a bother this is will depend on how competent your archers are. Fortunately the Reflex Saves required are pretty low, and if you succeed you’ll only take half damage. This fight is very much a measuring stick for how powerful your early-game party is - if you can win this fight, you can beat anything you’ll likely come up against throughout the rest of the chapter. More than that, however, a sinister, primordial force has her own interests in the Stolen Lands, and a desire to see new rulers rise… and fall. Follow the stream east and you’ll find a gathering of two fey lovers, the Satyr Falchos and the Dryad Tiressia - yes, the same Tiressia who is supposedly related to Melianse. Don’t foolishly go opening it without prior preparation, however, as the specter wasn’t lying about what lurks within. The Greater Tatzlwrym is another abuse of the word “greater”, and while it is indeed more formidable than the lesser Tatzlwyrms around it, it’s nothing compared to most of the critters you’ve fought in this area. Still, if you buff with Blur, Shield of Faith, Delay Poison and Haste, then start the fight out by hitting the Scythe Tree with a Slow spell, you should chop it down with terrifying speed. More importantly, you can find a secret passage [Perception 25] to the east. Return southwest to the ruins and make your way west along their northern edge, then turn south around the western-most house. You’ve explored this area quite a bit, but thus far haven’t stumbled upon the “witch hut” after which the area is named. These attacks also deal electrical damage, and only require a touch attack to hit. No fey, no threats, no desecration. Whatever fate Dorsy is due to suffer, loot the chest by his house ([Trickery 20]) to score two Scrolls of Bless, a Potion of Cure Light Wounds, three Scrolls of Cure Light Wounds and a Scroll of Acid Arrow. You’ll begin on the northern edge of the map, along a path that runs south through the area. Defensively, it’s not that impressive - it’s HP are merely decent, its Armor Class is poor and while it has Damage Reduction 10/slashing and magic, for the most part your attacks will be fairly effective. This useful device (which takes up the helmet slot) will boost a Cleric’s positive energy damage and healing by +2d6. You can loot two Gloomberry bushes unopposed, getting you up to the three Gloomberries you need. By now you should have found enough Mudleaf (if you save/loaded to ensure you get the number of plants you need at least) and as many as five Dizzyhead plants if you explored near the poison mist along the southeastern edge of the level - provided your Perception skill score was high enough.

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