white phosphorus bomb

Overall the grenade weighed a total of 27 ounces. White phosphorus is a waxy solid which burns easily and is used in chemical manufacturing and smoke munitions. The M34 White Phosphorus Smoke Grenade or "Willie Pete" was a smoke / incendiary grenade manufactured by Rocky Mountain Arsenal from the late 1950s and used by U.S. forces during the Vietnam War and was also used during the First Gulf War.The M34 WP Grenade replaced the World War II M15 WP grenade. No 77 Phosphorus is a British gas grenade in Post Scriptum. Initially known as an "A.W. M15 白リン手榴弾(M15 White Phosphorus Grenade) 第二次世界大戦時に使用されていた。すべて退役してM34に更新されている。 内容物:白リン15オンス 信管:M206A2 信管 重量:31オンス 効果半径:17m 燃焼時間:約60秒 M34 白リン手榴弾(M34 White Phosphorus Grenade) The M34 could be fired from a rifle grenade launcher using M2-series grenade launching adapters, which the groove around the tapered base allowing the adapter arms to grasp it. Red phosphorus is harmless but the white form is highly toxic and reacts violently with oxygen, so … Initially known as an "A.W. White phosphorus causes very painful and often lethal chemical burns to those hit by it, and until recently Israel maintained that it only uses such bombs to mark targets or territory. According to family members who survived, there was intense fire and white smoke in the room, the walls of which were glowing red. There were many who were sceptical about the efficacy of Molotov cocktails and SIP grenades against the more modern German tanks. When detonated the body simply split open. Exposure to white phosphorus may cause burns and irritation, liver, kidney, heart, lung, or bone damage, and death. Saudi Arabia appears to be using U.S.-supplied white phosphorus munitions in its war in Yemen, based on images and videos posted to social media, … the discovery of No 76 grenades in Wales in 2005, Sussex Police statement re. [8] In all cases, the grenades are still found to be dangerous and typically are destroyed via a controlled explosion. Dockery, Kevin. 76 grenade", but was more commonly known as the "SIP" (self-igniting phosphorus) grenade. Ferrophosphorus, a combination of phosphorus with iron, is used as an ingredient in high-strength low-alloy steel. Based on video footage released from Karabakh, the Azerbaijani forces fired the white phosphorus munitions over the forests of this region. White phosphorus munitions cause particularly severe injuries, including chemical burns down to the bone. It has been used in the past as a pesticide and in fireworks. The perfected list of ingredients was white phosphorus, benzene, water and a two-inch strip of raw rubber; all in a half-pint bottle sealed with a crown stopper. [2] Mainly issued to the Home Guard as an anti-tank weapon, it was produced in vast numbers; by August 1941 well over 6,000,000 had been manufactured.[4]. Not all locations were officially recorded and some caches were lost. "Excavations on the site revealed that the bombs are two artillery-delivered 120-millimeter white phosphorus munitions of P-4 type. Many people had to learn about what phosphorus bombs are from news releases when the latest unfortunate events in Ukraine were described. The use of white phosphorus in incendiary devices dates back to World War I and beyond. White phosphorus is used in bombs, artillery, mortars, and short-range missiles which burst into burning flakes of phosphorus upon impact. the discovery of a cache of approximately 80 grenades in Eastbourne in 2015, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=No._76_special_incendiary_grenade&oldid=992084494, World War II infantry weapons of the United Kingdom, World War II grenades of the United Kingdom, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 3 December 2020, at 12:06. U.S.-Led Forces Said to Have Used White Phosphorus in Syria Images and reports from witnesses in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa suggest the presence of the material in munitions. "[5] The drivers were proved right; trials on modern British tanks confirmed that Molotov and SIP grenades caused the occupants of the tanks "no inconvenience whatsoever". The Goldstone Report showcases lies about white phosphorus. Firstly note the weapon uses an All WaysImpact fuze (much like the Gammon Bomb) meaning upon impact it will detonate. White phosphorus was extensively used as a smokescreen by Russian forces in the battle for the Chechen city of Grozny in December 1994. Israel’s Manual on the Rules of Warfare(2006) states the following: During ‘Operation Cast Lead’ (December 2008 – January 2009), the Israeli Defence Forces used two types of weapons containing white phosphorus: exploding munitions and ‘smoke projectiles’. In addition, the many organic compounds of… This mixture was known as \"Fenian fire\" and allegedly was used by disgruntled itinerant workers in Australia to cause delayed destruction of s… It contains 8 ounces (approx. Grenades manufactured prior to the adoption of NATO STANAG 2321 in 1987 (which standardized ammunition color coding for rounds larger than 20mm) had a light gray body, yellow band, and black markings. It could not be thrown as far as fragmentation grenades owing to its weight and stray burning WP gobs and particles could be blown back on friendly troops. The M34 WP Grenade replaced the World War II M15 WP grenade. White phosphorus is typically used to produce a camouflaging smoke. According to an official report by the Israeli government, ‘although not required under international law, it was decided as a precautionary measure, in order to minimise the risk to civilians that the IDF would cease to use such exploding munit… The perfected list of ingredients was white phosphorus, benzene, water and a two-inch strip of raw rubber; … The 100 pound M47 bomb series could be filled with Napalm, White Phosphorus, or Mustard filler. The M34 could be fired from a rifle grenade launcher using M2-series grenade … bomb", it was officially named the "No. The M156 warhead is a white phosphorus munition that can cause deep, penetrating burns and kill by inhalation and ingestion, but it is officially used for signaling and was notoriously deployed in Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Gaza, and other places the US doesn’t like. The No. Later STANAG-compliant grenades were light green (indicating a smoke / marker round) with a yellow band (indicating they contain an explosive charge), and red markings. White phosphorus munitions are per se a lawful weapon that can be used against the enemy consistent with the normal laws of targeting. The M34 had a prescored cylindrical steel body with a conical base designed for compatibility with the M1 rifle grenade adapter using M195 blanks for the M7 launcher or any 22mm NATO diameter rifle/carbine barrels. The M34 used an M206A2 Fuse. This page was last edited on 8 January 2021, at 22:26. Bomb in the photo above on the left, from the Palm Springs Air Museum, is marked as an M47A1 incendiary, labeled for Napalm (NP) filler. When the carbon disulfide evaporated, the phosphorus would burst into flames, and probably also ignite the highly flammable carbon disulfide fumes. Special Warfare Special Weapons. The M34 White Phosphorus Smoke Grenade or "Willie Pete" was a smoke / incendiary grenade manufactured by Rocky Mountain Arsenal[1] from the late 1950s and used by U.S. forces during the Vietnam War and was also used during the First Gulf War. [3] The M34 could be used for target marking, screening (it created a rapidly developing smoke screen), or clearing fortifications, rooms, and other enclosures. In the few seconds it took to raise the table, the phosphorus burned through his flesh to the bone. The M15 could not be fired as a rifle grenade. [3] When thrown against a hard surface, the glass would shatter and the contents would instantly ignite, liberating choking fumes of phosphorus pentoxide and sulphur dioxide as well as producing a great deal of heat. White phosphorus has been found in at least 77 of the 1,416 National Wounds contaminated by white phosphorus … [9], MacKenzie, 1995, p. 92: gives a figure of "more than 6,000,000 by August 1941", British anti-invasion preparations of World War II, "Bomb disposal experts detonate unexploded grenades", "A massive number of bombs have been cleared from the Cambridge ice rink site", BBC News item re. The demonstration involved throwing glass bottles containing a mixture of petrol and phosphorus at pieces of wood and into a hut. If the substance hits someone's body, it will burn until deprived of oxygen. White phosphorus is used in rodent poison and by the military for smoke generation. On 29 July 1940, manufacturers Albright & Wilson of Oldbury demonstrated to the Royal Air Force how their white phosphorus could be used to ignite incendiary bombs. However, white phosphorus munitions, like any lawful weapon, can be used in numerous unlawful manners, such as to specifically target civilians or launch attacks indiscriminately. [7] Occasionally, the caches are discovered by builders digging foundations. The UK has confirmed it has the chemical and has used it in Iraq - but only to lay smokescreens. The M34 had a segmented body to allow for a better hand grip and to identify it as a casualty-producing grenade, even though fragmentation was not its primary damage mechanism. White phosphorus, which smells kind of like garlic, is a thermodynamically unstable, waxy solid that starts to yellow when exposed to heat or sunlight. White phosphorus is believed to have been first used by Fenian arsonists in the 19th century in the form of a solution in carbon disulfide. Weapon designer Stuart Macrae witnessed a trial of the SIP grenade at Farnborough: "There was some concern that, if the tank drivers could not pull up quickly enough and hop out, they were likely to be frizzled to death, but after looking at the bottles they said they would be happy to take a chance. [2] Over time, the rubber would slowly dissolve making the contents slightly sticky and the mixture would separate into two layers – this was intentional and the grenade was not to be shaken to mix the layers as this would only delay ignition. [2], Strict instructions were issued to store the grenades safely, preferably underwater and certainly never in a house. Chicago: Emperor's Press, 1997. White Phosphorus Bomb White phosphorus (WP) is a flare- and smoke-producing incendiary device or smoke-screening agent that is made from a common allotrope of the chemical element phosphorus. Because of safety concerns, the RAF was not interested in white phosphorus as a source of ignition, but the idea of a self-igniting petrol bomb took hold. White phosphorus is highly flammable and ignites on contact with oxygen. http://members.shaw.ca/dwlynn/Markings.htm, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=M34_grenade&oldid=999185806, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Burst Radius of 34 meters (note: less than average range, hence cover required or extreme caution needed). On breaking, the phosphorus was exposed to the air and spontaneously ignited; the petrol also burned resulting in a fierce fire. White phosphorus is used in smoke, illumination and incendiary munitions, and is commonly the burning element of tracer ammunition,” Beglaryan wrote on Twitter. 76 grenade", but was more commonly known as the "SIP" (self-igniting phosphorus) grenade. Secondly note white phosphorus has incendiary properties and will damage friend and foe … The white phosphorus can be seen falling on trees in this forested area of Karabakh, which sparked fears of potential fires. The smooth-bodied M15 was sometimes assumed to be a burning-type smoke grenade, and this sometimes resulted in injuries.[2]. Red phosphorus, comparatively harmless, is used in matches. bomb", it was officially named the "No. The walls glowed red? The grenade could either be thrown by hand, or fired from the Northover projector, a simple mortar; a stronger container was needed for the latter and the two types were colour-coded. The projectiles contain approximately 3.8 kilograms of white phosphorus," said Madat Mammadov, operations manager at ANAMA. 76 special incendiary grenade also commonly known as the A.W. It contained 15 ounces of White Phosphorus with a small bursting charge to rupture the body and dispense the WP, which would ignite when it came in contact with air. Phosphorus comes in two forms, red and white. The navigator had left his table to make a sighting. Erwin couldn’t release the table’s latches with one hand, so he grabbed the white-hot bomb between his bare right arm and his ribcage. There are several types of weapons, the main part of which is white phosphorus - a self-igniting substance that burns in the air and, together with a number of incendiary substances, becomes a dangerous “filling” for ammunition. It is forbidden to be used indescriminately against civilians. At around 4.30 p.m., a white phosphorous shell came through the ceiling into the room where they were sheltering. White phosphorus is used industrially to manufacture chemicals used in fertilizers, food additives, and cleaning compounds. When used directly as a weapon, it burns flesh. [6], The Home Guard hid caches of these grenades during the war for use in the event of an invasion. Under international law, white phosphorus is considered an incendiary weapon, defined by Protocol III of the Convention on the Prohibition of Use of Certain Conventional Weapons as “any weapon … 226gr) of white phosphorus and provides a large smoke screen when detonated. bomb and SIP grenade (self-igniting phosphorus) is an incendiary grenade based on white phosphorus used during World War II.

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