project manual design development outline specifications volume 1 division 0 - 14 date: 30 june 2014 project no: 051460.001. ... CDT - PROJECT DELIVERY 41 Terms. Existing Conditions. Division 01) for a project. Development of … Do not copy General Requirements used for other University projects. Be certain the responsibilities being assigned are consistent with the Owner-A/E and the Owner-CM agreements. If common terms such as furnish, install, and provide, among others, are defined, the entire design team must be sure to use the terms consistently throughout the drawings and specifications. The answer must be YES, but what are the items of concern? The Conditions set out the overall duties and responsibilities of the Owner, Contractor, and A/E. 01 7900 demonstration and training . = We point out the pitfalls of what is written, when it is not our work, and coordinate the specifications to suit. Audience Speaking to “the” contractor CSI specification structure applies to: DBB DB GC/CM Gov’t Organization Divisions, sections, parts, articles, paragraphs 6 AIA/CSI 3-part specifications. Well, Division 01 must be coordinated with the duties and responsibilities of the A/E, Owner, and Contractor required by their contracts. The State of Colorado General Conditions of the Contract will precede Division 1 … 1506 0 obj <> endobj Engineer, 01 7839 project record documentation . Materials and Work 6. Intent … PART 2 - SAFETY . Because the CM controls the subcontracts and assumes much of the construction site administrative and procedural requirements, the CM may want to control Division 01, too. Each division of the manual contains guidelines that establish the quality of materials and work appropriate for University projects. 01 7823 operation and maintenance data . Consultants are expected to utilize 2.1 CONTRACTOR’S SAFETY GUIDE Professional Practice, Certain Definitions. Register for our newsletter. We try to ensure the A/E (our client), the CM, and the Owner (the one paying the bills) are aware of the potential impact. The organization and content is parallel - for good reason. Specifiers must be diligent about coordinating Division 01 to eliminate unnecessary confusion. Drawings & Specifications 4. Division 04. If the CM requires hardcopy, the A/E may be facing unexpected printing costs. However, for specifications in a project manual, the recommended minimum font is 10-point. ... division 01 - general requirements 01 10 00 summary 01 21 00 allowances 01 23 00 alternates 01 25 00 substitution procedures . Safety Requirements: CMs are concerned about their relationship with the subcontractors. The Introductory Information, Bidding Requirements, Contracting Requirements, Division 1 of the Specifications Sections, and Appendix Documents are described in this chapter. Before writing Division 01, it is imperative to know what will be used as basis for the A/E agreement, the construction agreement and the conditions of the contract. ULSM Would you like to receive periodic updates from the City Engineer? Chapter 4: Project Manual Guide; Chapter 5: Procurement; Chapter 6: Construction; ... Division 01 General Requirements. h�b```�y,<6� ��ea�8��`4 ��7�"��>``0 P�#����:�I����2T[ėp�e�e�LtT�?�. WSDOT Plans Preparation Manual M 22-31.04 Page 8-1 September 2012 Division 8 Contract Estimate 800.01 Introduction 800.02 Estimate Content 800.03 Estimate Preparation ,QWURGXFWLRQ A detailed cost estimate shall be prepared for a project in order to obligate funds for project management and design division procedure manual for professional services state office building 301 west preston street room 1400 baltimore, md 21201 july 2019 “changing dgs for the better” h�bbd``b`�k��R ��H�|I��Ew2�� b-�ꁄ��>�`T��@b�/#k!�F����0 ? 014000 Quality Requirements . Project meetings. Interpretation of Documents 5. Division 01 General Requirements specifications and, if applicable, Division 00 Procurement and Contracting Requirements should still be located in the "GK" or "G" sheets as described for Option 1. Here are some examples of the first things we look for when someone else writes Division 01. Each article relies on Division 01 for the related general requirements that apply to every specification in the Project Manual. References and Standards. When in doubt, ULSM is a handy reference about where subjects should be specified. Time: CMs want to be sure A/E's responses are timely. Divisions 1 through 48of the OGS Master Specifications each contain explanatory notes identified as yellow highlighted text and are self-explanatory. Be especially careful if there is no provision for the A/E to give notice of a particular condition that may require more time than specified such as reviewing all rebar drawings for a high rise concrete frame building received at the same time. Division 01 - General Requirements set out the administrative and procedural rules for the entire project. These documents are used on Capital Projects, as well as private development projects. Part 1 specifies the administrative details for a particular specification. 013150 Requests for Information . Be careful that Division 01 does not put the A/E or the Owner between the CM and the subcontractors for administering the contract. Concrete. Extended Responsibilities: Search every location where the A/E and Owner are named. 013200 Construction Progress Documentation . | These concerns include job-site safety. A table of contents for each Division … Division 05. by Some Owners, especially institutional owners maintaining multiple buildings, will have their own standard documents.
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