the holy spirit and his gifts

I believe that the Holy Spirit actually manifests this gift a lot more than people realize, but they fail to realize it or pick it up when it does come their way because they have never been taught that the Holy Spirit can do this for them in the first place. Singing gospel songs from the beginning to the end that by the end people would be crying, rolling on the fall, have encounters with Christ that no one can take away from them ever because it was personal, people healed ,people accepting Christ. Also, all prophecy needs to be properly tested, as the Bible tells us that there will always be false prophets walking among us, along with the possibility of well-meaning believers prophesying out of their own imaginations. Over time, the Holy Spirit can teach you how to do discern the difference between the two if you would really like for Him to do this for you. By John Owen. Many times prophecy is also used to help confirm what has already been given to the person earlier on by the Lord. When you see this kind of a manifestation happen, what you will see is pure hate and pure evil looking at you. As you learn about the ministry of the Holy Spirit, you can become a more effective witness for the Lord Jesus Christ! Not only can the Holy Spirit directly heal you with your own personal prayers to the Lord, but He can also use you as an anointed vessel to manifest His healing power through to help heal someone else – if you will only have the courage to speak out what He wants you to say to that person, and then lay hands on that person for the healing power to be transmitted into their body to the affected body part that will need the healing. A) Demonic Spirits – with demonic spirits still being allowed to roam in the air and interact with us to some degree in this life, we really need this gift in full operation today just to handle this one type of bad evil spirit. Sometimes the demons just cannot help themselves and they sometimes will rise up and show themselves through a person’s eyes. Then you will be ready to take on the real Goliaths of this world with absolutely no fear, since you know now that you have the power of the Holy Spirit Himself on the inside of you. Previous page of related Sponsored Products, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 7 June 2015. That’s the only bet allowed.If you are for him then give it your 100%, be for him and do it on the standard don’t compromise. OVERVIEW. Thank you and may God continue to bless you in Jesus name, amen. In addition to the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit, the Bible also tells us that there are 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, the Bible also warns us that Satan and his demons can appear to us as angels of light. If you want to walk with Christ and as well preach the gospel for thé kingdom then you would have to go all in. Thank you very much . And you will have one mighty sanctified soldier of Jesus Christ, as the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit will give you some serious heavy ammunition to have at your disposal as you walk with God’s anointing in your daily life. You hear me, we're at the center all these people that don't like the fact that we're at the center of it cuz cuz the righteousness of God and the righteous people are holding back the enemy. With God having absolute perfect knowledge on all things, and with us having knowledge levels that are completely imperfect and limited, this means that we all need to receive words of knowledge from the Lord on a very regular and frequent basis in order to be able to safely journey through this life. Piety, the sixth gift of the Holy Spirit, is the perfection of the virtue of religion. The Bible tells us that God uses the gift of prophecy to speak edification, exhortation, and comfort to other people. You do not have to hold the actual office of a prophet in order for God to manifest this gift through you from time to time. and in what way will you seek that glory – through the deceitfulness of the world, or the purity and sincerity of the Lord, you have all the potential any other believer has to glorify God and He will bless sincere efforts – count the cost and seek His will. The Holy Spirit gives gifts. There's a problem loading this menu at the moment. As long as we are connected with God ( in his Word) and living in his Word, the Fruit of the Holy Spirit is simply shown and we glorify the Father. I love You Father and I thank You. “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.” (2 Timothy 1:6). The Names of Jesus: Who is Jesus According to the Scriptures? i stumbled upon this teaching and it has empowered me to understand better. The Gift of Knowledge - the gift to have a comprehensive understanding of a spiritual issue or circumstance. When God Says No: How to Handle Unanswered Prayers in Your Life, Applying the Parable of the Good Samaritan to Our Lives Today, Comfort Zones and How They Hinder Us Spiritually. Prime members enjoy fast & free shipping, unlimited streaming of movies and TV shows with Prime Video and many more exclusive benefits. Again, since our own human intelligence is so imperfect and so limited in its ability to apply real wisdom to handle and solve some of life’s real tough problems, we all need the wisdom of God flowing through our lives on a regular basis so we can handle and overcome many of life’s adversities that can get thrown our way at any time. Each one of these gifts are major power gifts, and they are all direct, supernatural, miraculous manifestations direct from the Holy Spirit Himself. All prophecy always needs to line up with Scripture. I hope this was helpful Sometimes God will confirm for you what He has already told you earlier so you will know that it really was Him all along giving you that specific message. As you know, many times demons can literally enter into a person’s body if they have the appropriate legal rights to be able to do so. Again, if you would like the Lord to manifest this gift through you from time to time so you can be a direct messenger for Him to someone else, just go to Him in prayer and tell Him that you would be more than happy to be a willing and yielded vessel for Him to manifest this particular gift through if He would like to do so. So the devil “takes” not “give” So the question is now for you which team would you rather be on ? Even though you will not know what you are praying about when you do go into your gift of tongues, at least you will have the honor and privilege of being able to pray direct to God the Father with the Holy Spirit. The other type of tongue that He can give you is a tongue direct from heaven, a heavenly language that is not of this earth. You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. Trust me you won’t regret it. C) Human Spirits – in addition to angels and demonic spirits, the third kind of spirit this gift is referring to is just our own human spirits. And when you think about exactly what this gift is all about, I believe that he may be right on the money. On page 59 of his book entitled The Layman’s Commentary on the Holy Spirit, John Rea, Th.D. There are two types of tongues He can give you. Language: english. Now I will number and bold each one of these 9 gifts of the Spirit so you can have all of them right at the top of this article at a very quick glance: Not only does the Bible tell us that these 9 gifts of the Spirit are available to all believers, but then it takes it one step further and tells us that we can actually try and stir these 9 gifts up with the Lord. Just stop and think about what all 9 of these gifts from the Holy Spirit are really about. That is why the Holy Spirit is called the Helper in the Bible, so He can help you with a lot of different areas in your daily life where you will have trouble in dealing with. Description Additional information Description. Living out of this overflow is easier than living with the limitations we put on God. And since the Holy Spirit knows how to present a perfect prayer to God the Father, then you can actually play a part in that perfect prayer to God the Father. Not supposed to plan out your life. God bless you and your ministry❤, It is such a blessing YOUR help I was able to complete my project My friend help me reach you. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” (1 Corinthians 12:7-11). The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 13 that there are “tongues of angels.”. B) God’s Angels – The Bible tells us that God’s angels are also spirit beings. There is one God. This next gift is one that is really needed in the dangerous and perilous times that we are now living in. I don’t know what happened but I have plans to find out by talking to the pastor what ministered but a little help from here will help a lot too. Once the demon has been exposed, then you can set the person up for a deliverance. With our own knowledge levels being so limited, so imperfect, and so incomplete, we all need words of knowledge from the Lord on some kind of regular basis in this life so that we can make it through this life in one piece and get to where we need to go in our divine destinies with Him. With our inability to be perfect prayer warriors with God the Father, I believe this is one gift that God would like all of His children to have. Just realize that this is a gift that the Holy Spirit can manifest for you and to always keep yourself open and sensitive to anything that the Holy Spirit may want to transmit your way if you ever do come across a few bad apples such as these types. Whilst we don't particularly agree with everything written in it, the material certainly prompts discussion and spiritual thinking. This next gift is where the Holy Spirit will give you the interpretation of the tongues that you have either done for yourself or when they are being done by someone else in a church setting. You are joining forces with the third Person of the Trinity who is God and Lord Himself, who is the Master Prayer and Intercessor with God the Father. Just think how many more people you can help and save if you will allow the Holy Spirit to manifest some of these 9 gifts through you from time to time. Each one of these gifts are major power gifts, and they are all direct, supernatural, miraculous manifestations direct from … The false religions of Islam and Mormonism are two perfect examples of demons appearing as angels of light to the two people who started these two false religions. Then you ask him to confess to you that Jesus Christ has come to our earth in the flesh. This inner witness is what I call the inner knowing. If it is an angel from God, you should feel a sense of peace and comfort coming in from the Holy Spirit, as He should be bearing witness that this is one of God’s angels. Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Gifts Of The Holy Spirit. It might be a very short word and it really does not need to be recorded or written down. Some people will get a real sick feeling in their stomach, like they want to vomit when they either see or get around someone who has a demon on the inside of them. Allotting his gifts ‘according as he will,’ (quoting I Corinthians 12:11). Also notice that when you are praying in your tongue, that you are praying out of your spirit, not out of your mind. Your part is to just tell the Lord that you would like to have a big part in this special gift, and then let Him decide as to how He will want to use you in this area and what areas you will be stronger in than other areas. Come across Your teaching was a great blessing. Notice in the 3rd verse that Paul is telling you that you pray to interpret your own tongue so you can understand what you are praying about, which will lead us right into the next gift, the interpretation of tongues. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. If any visualization you do for future let it be eternal goals. The Great Commission – Save, Heal, Deliver and Disciple, “The Great Commission – Save, Heal, Deliver and Disciple,”, When You Struggle to Balance God’s Need to Judge Sin with His Love, How to Pick a Fight: What the Word of God Says About Choosing Your Battles Wisely, Biblical Solutions to Your Everyday Problems. Always ask yourself what your motives are. Its all starting to make sense now. For the most part, the gift of tongues will be used as your own personal, private, prayer language between you and the Lord. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. If you are for him then give it your all. That's right. Prophecies from the Lord can cover an extremely wide range of situations and issues, covering everything from predicting future events like they use to do in the OT, to giving someone counsel, encouragement, confirmation, instruction, and possible correction when it may be needed. And one of the ways that He can confirm a previous message that He has already given you is by giving you a direct prophecy through another believer. 12:1). The importance of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit is to elevate the church. You may not be able to see them in the person’s eyes when they do come up and manifest, or feel them or smell them, but you can get a strong inner knowing or a strong sensing from the Holy Spirit that this person does have demons on the inside of them. What I personally believe is the act of stepping out of faith, for this gifts. For instance, if your native language is English, then He can give you the ability to speak in Chinese, Japanese, or Spanish. if you want to share the gospel, share it today, where youre at, whereever youre at, fame and fortune, especially on the stage of the world, will lead to spiritual corruption, John 7:18 KJV – whose glory do you seek Very well written 100% Truth. 1. And if God does not change, and He is the same today as He was yesterday, then that means He will still want to continue His healing ministry in this day and age, and thus will anoint His believers with His healing power through the Holy Spirit from time to time when they will either need it for themselves or someone else they may be praying for. The Lord also keeps me in balance by asking for times of “music fasting” to ensure that He is my heart’s First Love not a music experience even if its meant for worship. I will go ahead and break down each one of these 9 gifts of the Spirit into their own article so you can click on the link to read each one.  And then come back and read my conclusion. Thank you Another reason that you will want this gift is for emergency type situations. Buy The Holy Spirit, His Gifts and Power by (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Scripture taken from New King James I believe that God put the spirit within us to equip us to be at the center of what God is doing in the world today. Notice the very first line in this verse says that these 9 gifts are given to each one for the “profit of all.”. We used this little book to guide our Bible study group. When you find yourself wanting to pray to God, but you find yourself falling short in how you want to pray or what you want to pray about, you can just go into your gift of tongues with the Holy Spirit and then end up giving God a perfect prayer, since the prayer will becoming direct from the Holy Spirit Himself. The Holy Spirit: His Gifts and Power quantity. “Do not neglect the gift that is in you … Meditate on these things, give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.” (1 Timothy 4:14), 5. The Holy Spirit works these gifts in us for the profit of all. Praise God! All of a sudden the Holy Spirit will give you a direct, clear, prophetic word to give to someone else. It can come in the form of a thought or an impression on your mind, or possibly come in the form of a vision or a picture in your mind’s eye. Here is the verse: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, BUT TEST THE SPIRITS, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. The key is to always be alert to whether something is moving us toward the Lord Jesus or away from Him. Called "the unveiled epiphany of God ", the Holy Spirit is the One who empowers the followers of Jesus with spiritual gifts and power that enables the proclamation of Jesus Christ, and the power that brings conviction of faith. I call the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit torpedo gifts, as the Holy Spirit can manifest any one of these 9 gifts through any believer anytime that He will want to do so. Here are some specific examples of where you can receive a direct word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit covering just about anything and everything in your daily life: As you can see from these kinds of examples, there is literally nothing that the Holy Spirit cannot get into in your own personal life where He can then give you a word of knowledge on how to properly handle something that you are currently dealing with, or give you a word of knowledge to help someone else out with what they may be dealing with on their end. The Holy Spirit is our “Helper” and the third person of the trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11.) Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit and His Gifts course provides you with an in-depth study on the Spirit and the gifts He bestows on believers to carry out the work of the ministry. These 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit are the ammunition you will need to go to war for the Lord to help set the captives free, as the Bible is telling all of us to learn how to become good soldiers of Jesus Christ. You speak out the word to this person and then you will be done with it. For instance, someone could have a bad spirit of pride on them. The Christian is admonished to "Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. They are ministering spirits. But the first thing to be able to do is to discern and detect that the demons are already on the inside of that person in the first place. This is something that you can learn how to do with Him through a process of trial and error. What this means is that you directly ask the angel to identify who his Lord and Master is. But the devil has come to steal to kill and to destroy. Amen. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. I have a friend who has this special gifting on the inside of her from the Holy Spirit, and this is always one of her tells when she knows that she is sensing a demon on the inside of someone. But all of that knowledge will not do you any good unless you first understand what you are reading. Claudy from Oman. But in either event, it will be a foreign language that you will not be able to speak out on your own, and only the Holy Spirit’s supernatural transmission of this language out of your spirit will give you the ability to be able to speak this language out. They believe in gifts, in prophecy, and they use these gifts apart from the power of the Holy Ghost.

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