whale rider analysis

In the film Whale Rider depicts a culture in transition. When the audience is watching the film, they compare their own family experiences with the ones in the story. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? 19m video. However, Koro fails to notice that Pai, although an eleven year old girl, is destined to be the new leader. Koro: Wise leader, forgive me.I am only a fledgling new to flight. 12. The film ends with the village, including Pai’s father, uncle, and grandparents, celebrating her status as leader, as the finished waka is hauled into the sea for its maiden voyage. Lesson . "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy", Don't use plagiarized sources. The planet première was on September 2002, at the Toronto International Film Celebration. To learn about Maori culture. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. Both are brave and aware. Hemi’s father also shows sign of beginning internalized.. Koro, the elderly tribe leader of the Maori people, desperately searches for his successor, while losing sight of how his ideal successor is actually before him: his granddaughter. This confidence was shattered when all boys failed in his final test of leadership, they have lost Koro’s closest symbolic representation of his faith: the whale’s tooth. The characters and relationships are rather complex and intricate, they are developing through the film, and the audience makes a “journey” through heroe’s lives. Whale Rider Analysis 1030 Words | 5 Pages. It is at this moment he realizes that Paikea should be his successor when Koro says, “Wise leader, forgive me. Koro, who is the Chief of the Maori tribe, is the other important character of the film. Pai’s father refuses to assume traditional leadership; instead he moves to Germany to pursue a career as an artist. It saves her from the patriarchal system and shows Koro she is the leader. Koro decides to form a cultural school for the village boys, hoping to find a new leader. Whale rider, a film written and directed by Niki Caro, explores the journey of a young girl Paikea and her struggles as she fights for her rightful place as chief. 16m video. ... To analyse a visual film clip. Pai’s koro, Apirana, or Old Paka as his wife Nanny Flowers calls him, the leader of the tribe, is initially angry at losing his grandson and being left with a “worthless” female. This film combines elements of history, traditions, depicting them from the point of view of a child, that sees the world not in black and white terms. Paikea: There was no gladness when I was born. So it may be considered as the film about interpersonal relations. Paikea called for the whales and the ancient gods … In the Paikea tribe, only the first-born son should be the leader of the tribe, which proves difficult for Paikea, since she is a female. However she finds that she cannot bear to leave the sea as the whale seems to be calling her back, tells her father to turn the car back and returns home. “Whale Rider” is a contemporary re-telling of the 1000-year-old legend about legendary first ancestor named Paikea. The validity of Woolf’s claims is seen through Pai’s actions and outlooks where her androgynous mind and “woman-manly” characteristic allows for the full spectrum of being human; having both male and… The Whale Rider Together with Yavaraj Athur Raghuvir I watched the movie called The Whale Rider which deals with the issue of cultural restrains both as an individual and as a society. He admonishes Pai against touching the largest whale because “she has done enough damage” with her presumption. The girl grows up being certain of her calling to be the next tribe leader. Her grandfather Koro Apirana believes that this is a role reserved for males only. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UKEssays.com. Koro sees it as a sign of his failure and despairs further. Paikea: My name is Paikea Apirana, and I come from a long line of chiefs stretching all the way back to the whale rider. The Whale Rider, written and directed in 2002 by Niki Caro, is a drama that proves that the ones who are least likely to succeed often do. The film gained much respect from critics, it went on in film festivals such as Sundance and Tribecca, and gained international recognition. When Pai is found and brought to the hospital, Koro declares her the leader and asks her forgiveness. "Whale Rider" arrives in theaters already proven as one of the great audience-grabbers of recent years. Whale rider scene analysis Introduction Whale Rider follows a little girl named Paikea (whose mother and twin brother died at birth and her father is in Germany) as she tries to find acceptance from her grandfather (Koro), who blames her for "all" their issues and is chastised Pai feels that she can become the leader, although there’s no precedent for a woman to do so, and is determined to succeed. She was the whale rider. Niki Caro, 2002. This upsets Paikea’s grandfather who out of nger says that he does not need Paikea, and that she is just a hassle. Instead, she spies on them and does everything the class does, except by herself. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. All People have the same emotions: they upset and cry, they feel happy and laugh. “Whale Rider” shows so many interesting and emotional themes: failure and hope, strength, and determination, all of them are witnessed in the points of past, present, and future ideals. “Whale Rider” is a unique, untypical and fascinating film. However, Nanny tells Pai that her second son, Pai’s uncle, had won a taiaha tournament in his youth while he was still slim, so Pai secretly learns from him. A Form to Story. Get Your Custom Essay on, By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree on the, Coming Of Age across Cultures in Film: Whale Rider and Rabbit-Proof Fence, https://graduateway.com/analysis-of-the-whale-rider/, Get your custom The conflict between him and Pai is caused by Koro’s refusal to acknowledge Pai as the inheritor of the tradition, Koro is blinded by prejudice, and nobody can convince him that Pai is the natural heir. Astride the whale she felt the sting of the surf and rain upon her face. Koro’s eyes, mirrored in these events, portray a great sadness to the film’s audience. Though she is loved by her grandfather named Koro, who is the Chief of the Maori tribe, she is not accepted as a future leader, and as a person as well. While he does later form an affectionate bond with his granddaughter, carrying her to school every day on his bicycle, he also resents her and blames her for many of the troubles facing the tribe. She leaves with her father, but on their way to the airport, she suddenly decides to turn around and return to her grandparents, for she cannot leave them. On the other hand, it is a drama about relationship of a young girl and her grandfather. This novel unfolds the history of the Maori Tribe that by tradition the new chief would be the first born son directly descended from their ancient ancestor Paikea. It is not just a family film, just an Australian film – it is a film that can touch the hearts of millions. WHAT ARE EXAMPLES OF INTERNALIZED OPPRESSION Porourangi worked on building a Waka (canoe), a Maori cultural tradition, before the birth of his twins but due to his loss of wife and son, he stops and moves to Germany. He is certain that through a process of teaching the ancient chants, tribal lore and warrior techniques, the future leader of their tribe will be revealed to him. This universality of Whale Rider receives cross-cultural affiliations. Retrieved from https://graduateway.com/analysis-of-the-whale-rider/, This is just a sample. At school, she is the most interested in Paikea culture and origins, unlike the other boys. Facing tradition and her grandfather Koro, she tests gender norms and conventional ways of living. Whale Rider: Summary & Analysis. It has a lot of awards through the world: BAFTA Childrens’ Award, Best Feature Film – 2003; Broadcast Film Critics Association Award, Best Young Actor/Actress (Keisha Castle-Hughes) – 2004; Chicago Film Critics Association Award, Most Promising Performer (Keisha Castle-Hughes) – 2004; Cinemanila International Film Festival, Special Jury Prize – 2003; Humanitas Prize, Sundance Film Category – 2003; Independent Spirit Award, Best Foreign Film (New Zealand) – 2004; Mexico City International Contemporary Film Festival and others. Both are willing to stand up to their husbands when the need arises. As for Pai, all she wants to do is to earn Koro’s respect – this point is brightly illustrated in the scene where she gives a speech dedicated to Koro. This whale rider casts spears as life-giving objects to the islands, but one spear he casts 1000 years into the future, which is the time of the story’s young heroine Kahu. Most heroes are big strong men, or mythical creatures that have thousands of stories and tales written about them. She also secretly follows Koro’s lessons. Many of the extras in the film were actual residents of the town Whangara. Whale Rider Review Niki Caro’s film, Whale Rider, beautifully captures the small village of Whangara, which is located in the northeast of New Zealand’s North Island. You can get your custom paper from Dir. Pai herself is interested in the leadership, learning traditional songs and dances, but is given little encouragement by her grandfather. Her grandfather, who is her Herald in a way, condemns her for issues within the tribe. Eventually, her birthfather, Porourangi, comes back and describes his current situation in life; how he lives in Germany and has a great life with a new woman, who is pregnant. … But when Koro walks away, she climbs onto the back of the largest whale and coaxes it to re-enter the ocean. Also when everyone is Lesson . Whale Rider Analysis By Katherine and Jana Examples from the text: What makes a good leader? Nanny Flowers: Pai’s grandmother Porourangi: Pai’s father Rawiri: Pai’s uncle 1. Even when Pai becomes rather proficient in taiana fighting, this still does not prove to Koro that she is good enough to be a leader of the people. At one point Paikea decides to leave with her father because her grandfather is mistreating her. Whale Rider Summary. This novel unfolds the history of the Maori Tribe that by tradition the new chief would be the first born son directly descended from their ancient ancestor Paikea. 17m video. Published: 15th Dec 2017 in As Pai grows older, her defiant character of a leader becomes evident. Analysis of Witi Ihimaeras 'The Whale Rider' on the basis of Postcolonial Theory von Nancy Reinhardt - Englische Bücher zum Genre Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften günstig & portofrei bestellen im Online Shop von Ex Libris. The theme of“Whale Rider”is female empowerment – is not unique, but the context in which it is presented is very interesting and unusual. Whale Rider Analysis 765 Words | 4 Pages. Both are principled and wise and nurture a great love for those around them. From then on, Whangara chiefs, always the first-born, always male, have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Whale Rider - Narrative writing. So “The Whale Rider” shows deep levels of character development: as we see Koro’s great sadness, Nanny’s love for the family, and how Pai’s. All work is written to order. MAIN CHARACTERS: Pai: 12 year old girl who is the only living child in the line of the tribe’s chiefly succession Koro: Pai’s grandfather and current tribe leader. After this, a similarly structured analysis of Witi Ihimaera's The Whale Rider will be pursued. A Maori family, despite their beliefs or rituals, can be just like an American family, or any other one. The film shows New Zealanders, as an example for the rest of the world, that the past civilizations and cultures can continue to live on in harmony with today’s world. I’m not a prophet, but I know that our people will keep going forward, all together, with all of their strength.”. She rises to her grandfather’s disapproval and even… Whale Rider tells the story of Pai, who faces the subtle resentment of her grandfather Koro as he attempts to re-establish the old traditions of their ancestors. Once deep within the ocean, a herd of whales was responding, and when the whales began stranding on the beach, this seemed to be a signal of an apocalyptic end to his tribe. This paper will analyze representations of gender, culture, and identity contained within Whale Rider is the story of a girl, Pai, whose twin brother and mother die in child birth. This is a hot issue of many cultures through the world even today, as women try to gain a respectable place by hard working. WHALE RIDER When talking about choosing the location to shoot Whale Rider, the film’s producer, John Barnett says: 'The novel was set in Whangara and it would almost have been heresy to shoot anywhere else. You've reached the "hub" for any and all Dramatica analysis of Whale Rider. The old Chief is convinced that the tribe’s misfortunes began at Pai’s birth, and calls for his people to bring their firstborn boys to him for training. The symbolism from the beginning foreshadows Pai’s future as a leader: a close up of the crying baby’s green eye mirrors the close up of a whale’s eye. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! This video fits the requirement for the Whale Rider video analysis of Dr. Ann McClellan's Global Literature class at Plymouth State University. She saw that now she was surrounded by the whale herd. In addition to the Storyform, you'll also find any additional analysis or media related to the story in question. world is slowly crashing down around her. WHAT “ISM” DID U SEE ILLUSTRATED SEXISM: stereotypical gender roles Women: makes food: Koro utters “Women setup dinner” are not to smoke: a child says: “Women should not smoke” has to sit in the back: Koro tells Pai to move from the front row to the back row when they have a meeting in Marae Men: are fighters: boys are traditionally taught to use the taiaha fix things: Koro is not pleased when Pai can fix the motor for the boat boys do not cry: Pai finds Hemi crying and he gets upset and tells her to go away . One relationship in particular -- that between the whale rider and his giant whale -- was exemplary of a symbiotic connection. The biggest whale, the founder of Maori culture, has a special relationship with the whale rider… The Whale Rider starts a thousand years ago, with a pod of whales. At the beginning of the film, we see that Koro genuinely cares for his granddaughter, but his disappointment about her gender is evident. This film combines elements of history, traditions, depicting them from the point of view of a child, that sees the world not in black and white terms. The film portrays a Maori tribe that tells the story of a long-held tradition. When she returns, her grandfather acts as if nothing has happened, and focuses more on the task at hand, finding somebody to lead the tribe. The movie shows this visually and thematically all throughout the story. He teaches the boys to use a taiaha (fighting stick). In case you can’t find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing Finding a New "Whale Rider" or Prophet. The Whale, in turn, was saved from death and loss of meaning in the modern world. Though the film has a strong female character, there are still male dominant elements throughout it. They broke through into deeper water. Whale Rider tells the story of Pai, who faces the subtle resentment of her grandfather Koro as he attempts to re-establish the old traditions of their ancestors. Her father refuses leadership, and returns to Germany, but Paikea is interested, even though she is a female and it goes against all tradition. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis … To investigate suffixes (-ify -ise) 20m video. On her journey to become the leader of the tribe, she comes across numerous amounts of challenges from her grandfather, Koro. She struggles to gain the approval of her grandfather and her people. Lessons in this unit. Fall 2014. Years later Koro is determined to find a leader and begins to teach and train the boys, in which Pai is not allowed to join because she is a girl. This hero is an unlikely one, a small girl, from a small tribe, in a small village in New Zealand. Until one person prepares to make the sacrifice to save the people…the Whale Rider. 11. The story takes place in the small town Whangara in New Zealand. The whale leads the entire pod back into the sea; Paikea nearly drowns in the process. The most rewarding of these is that of Pai and her grandfather. It is a film for everyone who wants to learn the story of a young girl, her future and her success in a “men’s world”. Two scenes from the movie Whale Rider.Keisha Castle-Hughes gives an excellent performance in this movie. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Plot Summary of “Whale Rider” by Witi Ihimaera. Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. On either side the younger whales were escorting their leader through the surf. Film Studies. Looking for a flexible role? Pai herself is interested in the leadership, learning traditional songs and dances, and Taiaha fighting – a traditional stick fighting method used by the Maori men. A special attention should be paid to a the concept of shadows in the story, as it has an important meaning. One of the students, Hemi, is also sympathetic towards her, but Koro is enraged when he finds out, particularly when she wins her taiaha fight against Hemi. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order. your own paper. When she goes out to sea, Nanny Flowers shows Koro the whale tooth which Pai had previously recovered. By tradition, the leader should be the first-born son a direct patrilineal descendant of Paikea, aka Kahutia Te Rangi in the book, the Whale Rider he who rode on top of a whale from Hawaiki. (2016, Oct 19). If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. The “Whale Rider”, filmed in New Zealand and directed by Niki Caro, is a film based on the novel of the same name, by Witi Ihimaera. “Whale Rider” is a contemporary re-telling of the 1000-year-old legend about legendary first ancestor named Paikea. Whale Rider, (New Zealand, 2002, directed by Niki Caro), Spirited Away, (Japan, 2001, directed by Hayao Miyasaki), and Frozen, (United States, 2013, directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee). An example of this is when Nanny Flowers tries to explain to Koro that Paikea is the leader but Koro refuses to listen because it is not what he wants to hear.

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