aayla secura death

[16] But the following year, when Vos and Secura were assigned on a mission to Ryloth to investigate the sources of glitteryll, all went wrong. Tee Watt Kaa: And freedom and peace require fear and death? Aayla Secura vs. Liara T'Soni is the third Death Battle idea between Star Wars and Mass Effect. She also studied the Jar'Kai form, using a green and a blue lightsaber. 764 Favourites. Vos had already beheaded Tsyr, but he had been knocked to the ground by Bok. She forgot that she was a Jedi; she forgot she had a master and that she harbored Force powers.[7]. Da Aaylas Eltern bereits früh verstarben, übernahm ihr Onkel Pol Secura die Verantwortung für das junge Mädchen. Early on in the war Aayla Secura and a Jedi Task Force led Clone Troopers against the droid army led by General Grevious. She wounded the Nikto, taking his right hand, but did not kill him. Aayla Secura is one of the most famous 'background Jedi' in the Star Wars franchise, and her death was one of the more affecting Order 66 moments, certainly in live-action. [20] Using the intelligence they had collected, the Galactic Republic was able to fend off the attack on the rainy planet. Enraged, Secura fled, vowing vengeance. She also wore ornate jewelry on her navel.[41]. The History of the Marvelous Wheel, Part 1, Authors of the Expanded Universe: The Legend of Dark Horse, The Official Jan Duursema Discussion Thread, The Official John Ostrander Discussion Thread, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Aayla_Secura/Legends?oldid=9742620. [18], The next morning, they stole two abandoned bombers to infiltrate Attuma Duum's headquarters. I have not read the comics, firstly, so you must excuse anything I say for it is entirely based on what I have seen in the movies. Though she was Lon Secura's niece, the very young Secura was yet kept with the Twi'lek slaves of the local Hutt crime lord, to help ensure her safety from any possible threat. [19], Like almost every other fully trained Jedi in the Order, Secura became a Jedi General. Together, they secured a copy of the plans of the impending Confederacy attack on Kamino. [21], She would remain on the planet, alongside Master Kit Fisto, and save the facilities once again, this time from sabotage from within—a Kaminoan nano-virus meant to wipe out the clone troopers. After the battle, Wag Too thanked the Jedi for saving the village, and Kaa admitted that the Lurmen owe the Jedi their lives. Masters As flames from the damaged base spread near her, Secura accessed the Force to escape. In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Secura makes appearance in the Wii and PlayStation Portable-exclusive duel mode. Ahsoka Tano: We're fighting for freedom. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is currently unknown. Also, in 30 BBY, an 18-year-old Secura tells Jedi High Council members (during their recounting of the Stark Hyperspace War) that she and Vos worked undercover on Tatooine in 32 BBY when Qui-Gon Jinn was temporarily stranded there. Shon-Ju then went to confront Duum, who revealed his cyborg body. She turned her back on him and her and his fellow clone troopers shot her. [18], Later in the war, Secura investigated Separatist raids on Republic supply lines along the Corellian Trade Spine as part of a Jedi task force of masters Tholme, T'ra Saa, Kit Fisto, and An'ya Kuro. [36], While Offee took a squad to Har Gau, Secura and Commander Bly went to Niango. She had to battle against the fierce natives when unexpected help came: her former master Quinlan Vos. They left immediately to get to a short-cut to beat the droid army to the village. This way, she managed to infiltrate Senator Vien'sai'Malloc's apartments as her guest, with Masters Tholme ("Miles Croft"), and Kuro ("Saba") as her servants. At some point before the Clone Wars, Aayla Secura was apprenticed to Quinlan Vos, whom she regarded as a father figure and was very close to. Yoda and Mace Windu in the Security Room. After Secura was promoted to the level of Jedi Knight, the Clone Wars broke out, and she was one of many Jedi to participate in the First Battle of Geonosis. Karkko needed them alive to regain his strength; he needed to suck their "Jedi-soup." But on this day, she finds something extraordinary. Against his commands they began to dock during the docking procedure they were hit with a shot from an enemy ship killing the pilots and set an automatic coarse into the hyper drive.Being forced to detach from Admiral Yularen's ship in order not to take them with him they went into hyper space for an unknown coarse. Before ethey lfet, Tee Wat Kaa told the jedi he was thankful and that he would be happy to join the Republic. 8 Aayla Secura. [15], Padawan Secura and her Master, Quinlan Vos, undertook many successive missions together. Recognizable as the blue-skinned Twi-lek Jedi, Secura debuts in Attack of the Clones and fights well in the Battle of Geonosis. Aayla was again forced to fight Vos, but was defeated. [18], Aayla Secura was also a skilled pilot. After retrieving vital data for the rebelion Rex, Wolffe and Bly have to escape from an enemy Star Destroyer. Master Tholme had briefed Yoda on all that had happened to Aayla, and Yoda counseled her that she should not judge herself harshly. Once aboard, Shon-Ju rashly took her lightsaber to trip the alarms. Secura, taking the opinionated battle droid along with her, complied to their wishes. star wars aayla secura s death hd thelonelyarc . Secura noticed that other pods had been dragged away by. Shon-Ju left Secura in her bonds for the moment, telling her that her destiny was in her hands, but she wouldn't stop him from finishing what he had come for. [11], Secura once learned a very valuable lesson when her dear pet T'da died. Secura then had to face Bok again and killed him, while Vos faced Sora Bulq in a duel, sliding more towards the dark side of the Force. Indeed, such were her achievements that Secura was promoted to the level of Jedi Master near the beginning of the conflict. After successfully neutralizing the battle droids, Gree was able to access the record of the ship's final moments. With the help of Khaleen Hentz and Tookarti they kept crime boss Zenex from stealing back the plans. [18], With the base in its death throes, Secura stole another bomber to return to Coruscant. Aayla Secura fights Grievous with her Jedi allies on Hypori. After several hours of training, she started to grow an appetite. Finally, he wished for her to understand that the Force leads them towards not what they always want, but what they need. Secura was also strong willed as she was able to resist the pheromones of the Falleen, Zenex.[source?] Again she fought against her former master, but then she at last realized her true identity. The Republic squad took several All Terrain Tactical Enforcers and headed for the coordinates of the location provided by Jabba. [27], After a treacherous trip through hyperspace, the Jedi and the few clones in their company crash landed on the planet Maridun. [10] When Aayla was about ten years old, Quinlan Vos took her as his Padawan. After a while, when the man discovered that Pol Secura was behind the drugging, he came back for him. Died Born She was taken by her uncle Pol Secura, who had to feed her more glitteryll every day because her spirit kept reasserting itself. The vessel had then crashed on the planet, where the weapon created a gravity anomaly. During the battle, however, Aayla's ship took heavy damage and was being boarded. [11] She had also grown adept in unarmed fighting, especially while sparring with Commander Bly. Entering the village they meet the village leader, Tee Wat Kaa, who said that his people traveled here to get away from the war and blamed the Jedi for the war. As a Jedi, Aayla was most capable in physical Force methods, being very adept in Form IV (Ataru) of lightsaber Combat. Aayla Secura dueling Aurra Sing on Devaron. Forced into the circle of survivors at gunpoint, Secura and the others evacuated on newly-arrived gunships and then led her own squad of clone troopers into battle. The two Jedi trapped the Dark Jedi under the bulk of ice before leaving the crash site and reporting to the Jedi High Council.[29]. Eye color The Jedi and the clones decided to leave the village, or else the droids would have killed the Lurmen. It causing all the Clones in the Grand Army Of The Republic to turn on their Jedi generals. They rescued a little princess from the Skyboat pirates of Xoman Free, faced the Terbeasts of Ogden Minor, and solved the Mystery of the Lodi on Solibus IV. Both Secura and Vos survived a brush with the dark side early in their Jedi training, though she later proved herself worthy of knighthood. While interrogating the droid, Secura was caught unaware by the native Ewok people hiding in a tree and was shot with a tranquilliser dart. Then, Secura rescued Tholme and Kuro and provided intelligence she had gathered about the raider headquarters to Fisto and Saa and the raiders were dissolved in a battle between them and Republic forces. The two Jedi broke into the fortress and there confronted the Nikto again: Secura was to rescue Nat Secura and Tholme, Vos would fight the Nikto. She served as a Padawan under the tutelage of Quinlan Vos, and later, Vos' own master Tholme. [Source]. Anakin Skywalker: „Die Macht umgibt dich, Rey.“ 2. [29], After reaching the remains of the ship's bridge, Gree began to slice the vessel's data recorder, while the Jedi and the clone troopers protected him from the attacking droids. [36] There, Secura had also gained the respect of the 501st Legion in the time they served with her when she saved them from a number of deadly acklays and helped destroy an auto-turret system. Hazel Even though her clones could not defy Order 66, they knew well enough how awful hurting her was. I honestly don't know who went out more of a punk, Secura or Fett. Vos, on the other hand, pictured himself as "a leaf blown forth by the wind," and he left Kiffex, going where the Force told him to go. The three Jedi and Nat survived. Before the Jedi could dock aboard the Resolute to give Skywalker medical attention, fire from droid fighters knocked out one of the pilots, accidentally activating the hyperdrive. Jedi Order[1]Galactic Republic[1] She replied that something was missing from her life now. She eventually ended up on the penal colony of Oovo IV. [34] There, she met Obi-Wan Kenobi, obsessed with stalking Asajj Ventress, and offered him her Jedi starfighter. Aayla is athletic, beautiful, and voluptuous, and has blue skin, a common color of her species. Standing behind her friend and commanding officer, the ever-loyal Commander Bly received word from the Supreme Chancellor ordering him to carry out Order 66, which denounced Secura and her fellow Jedi as traitors to the Republic. Zwar fiel ihm dieser Schritt schwer, doch redete er sich ein, dass Aaylas Zu… In early concept art for the character, she was a fish-like creature rather than a Twi'lek. This Star Wars Legends article contains information that is affected by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars project. She suffered grave wounds in the attack, and only survived due to the intervention of a squad of ARC troopers. Aayla Secura was originally created for the Expanded Universe by artist Jan Duursema and writer John Ostrander. Physical description Twi'lek[1] It was about to reach the group when Anakin stopped it with the force and forced the group into the ship.Anakin eventually was forced to let go and was caught in the blast around the exploding ship with the help of Ashoka Tano they pulled him on the ship and ordered the clones to take of. Thus was sparked the conflict known as the Clone Wars. Aayla Secura is a Twi'lek Jedi Master and a supporting character in the Star Wars universe. The three jedi and two clones quickly took out the droid forces. He had lured two fleets, one of the Republic Navy and the other one from the Confederate Navy. While the Zilo Beast was attacking the city of Corrosant her and Yoda came to see if they could help the witnessed Palpatine's ship.They rushed to attack the beast to by time for Anakin to get Padame and, Aayla and Yoda herd of The Zillo Beast Attack. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Rendezvousing at the hangar, the group was attacked by a Vulture droid, and it became apparent that the crash site attracted Separatist interest as well. Aayla turned around and saw a Droid Probe watching them. Along the way, the walkers were forced to scale a vertical cliff, and when a walker's path became blocked by a bulk of ice, Bly immediately ordered his men to blast it. They left, but decided to steal a Separatist ship to get off of Maridun. The man told her his story, how he had trained as a Jedi but was rejected. After they landed, Secura and Tano took Bly and the remaining troopers (except for Rex, who guarded Anakin during the night) to look for help. However, despite the attempts of the Empire, Aayla Secura was remembered by the peoples of the worlds she aided, in some cases merging with pre-existing goddess myths or historical figures. Eight standard days after the Battle of Geonosis, she was sent on a mission to intercept Techno Union scientist Ratri Tane, who had fled to Corellia with the files and prototype of new droid circuitry, along with fellow Caamasi Jedi Ylenic It'kla. Although her clothing was practical, Secura was not devoid of ornamentation as this ornate navel jewelry illustrates. [24] It was after this mission that she was assigned to the 327th Star Corps, and later forged a close relationship with Commander Bly. She found Bulq's ship, fought against a Morgukai warrior and stole the logbooks. Events on Cavamina Minor years later forced a change inside of her, and she said she felt something had been found.[18]. Secura is seduced to the dark side of the Force by Volfe Karkko. As late as 40 ABY, a professor by the name of Movac Arisster believed that he had seen a vision of Secura telling him to kill a Jedi, though this had in fact been a projection by the Sith Lady Lumiya. Secura followed Vilmarh Grahrk, who was in league with the Nikto, to his ship Inferno, but the Devaronian escaped. Notwithstanding, during Tholme and Vos's visit, the wampa guard of the Hutt went on a rampage, and the little Secura found herself in immediate peril. Aayla is even on a first name basis with Anakin Skywalker. Leaving the bridge, Aayla assisted by Bly and Clones fought her way to meet up with Skywalker. She is often seen in Conference Rooms. Female[1] Still somewhat confused, Yoda gave her one last piece of advice—to believe the Force was with her and would help her. Reluctantly, Tee Wat Kaa, who could not refuse help to anyone, told his son Waagto, who was the best healer in the village, to go with them. As Sing was enveloped in anger, Secura was at peace, and turned the former Jedi over to local authorities. [40], In the aftermath of the events on Kiffex, she felt something was missing inside of her. What kills me is that she is so completely unaware. Star Wars Aayla Secura s death HD theLonelyARC Once placed in suspension, Duum visited them but was called off to other matters. Aurra reacted by unleashing her rage, but thus became disoriented, and Secura cut off the antenna implant—installed by the hunter's Anzati mentors—that allowed Sing to feed off the fear of her prey. Following the siege of Saleucami, Secura and her troops were sent to Felucia to help Jedi Knight Barriss Offee uncover a plot to poison Felucia's water supply. Bok let himself fall hundreds of meters in order to keep his honor. Background: Aayla Secura, a Force-sensitive Rutian Twi’lek female, was a Jedi Master who served as a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Bly intervened to save her life; shooting Vos and causing him to flee.[31]. Aayla Secura being gunned down by her troops during the execution of Order 66 on Felucia. When the headquarters of the raiders were pinpointed to the planet Devaron, Secura went undercover as Tuulaa Doneeta, the spoiled daughter of a Twi'lek shipping baron. She is often seen in Conference Rooms. Aayla Secura: We are peacekeepers. 26 Comments. It became apparent that an individual had used a Telgorn dropship to board a Munificent-class star frigate carrying two classified weapons, stole one of them, and then departed shortly before the frigate was hit by an explosion. After he tripped over a rock, Aayla was forced to swoop down on a vine to save Bly. Aayla Secura was portrayed by Amy Allen in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Published by alunthorne75 (mod ID: 630019) Vos persuaded master Tholme to test Secura for Jedi training on Coruscant, where she passed the tests. Aayla Secura was a Twi'lek Jedi Master during the Clone Wars. Durring Cad Bane's heist on the Jedi Temple Aayla was seen along side. Skin color During the last minutes of the battle against super battle droids (under the control of a double-crossing Kaminoan), Secura fell into the waters of Kamino and nearly drowned before being saved by Fisto. Secura and Tano took care of them while Skywalker destroyed the new weapon. It was well-known that Aayla Secura was very close to her clone squad. Force-sensitives Aayla Secura and Quinlan Vos form an immediate Force bond. aayla secura death order 66 (daley tactics) for Totally Accurate Battle Simulator. Unfortunately, they were unable to turn the power back on in time, so they crashed into the planet Maridun. Yoda consoled her, telling her Duum's operaiton was destroyed, and that he sensed a changein her. By the time the army arrived in the morning the shield generators were set up, forcing the army to march on foot to the village. Biographical information [38] When the purge of the Jedi Order was enacted, a member of the 501st reflected on his time on Felucia with Secura and, though he believed the Jedi to be traitors to the Republic, hoped that she had been granted a quick death as he believed that "she had earned that much". Secura attacking the Beast in the Mouth of the Mountain, Upon reaching the cave of the Beast in the Mouth of the Mountain, the Jedi Master tripped on a large pile of bones at the mouth of the cave, alerting the Beast to their presence in it's lair. Bly landed next to a drawing on a piece of bark that showed that the planet was inhabited. [33], Then, the Council assigned her on a mission to Trigalis. As a Jedi, she was also a General in the Clone Wars. Soon, it was also revealed that the Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress had already visited the crash site and set the remains of the frigate to self-destruct. Aayla Secura was a Twi'lek female Jedi who was a character in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. During take off they contacted Admiral Yularen to ask for permission to dock with the ship. Affiliation(s) Quinlan Vos (Jedi Master)[7]Volfe Karkko (Dark Jedi master) (briefly)[8]Tholme (Jedi Master)[9] Secura told Admiral Wullf Yularen to take the Resolute up above, before they took the cruiser with them. Aayla Secura was a Twi'lek Jedi Master who was training on the planet Felucia. She gave in to the dark side of the Force and was willing to help the Anzati Dark Jedi. The Jedi and the clones mounted a raid on the fort that night and stole a ship and two shield generators. 1.7 meters[4] As a spirit, the Ewoks said that it was her duty to vanquish the Beast in the Mouth of the Mountain that terrorised them. [27] Like her relationship with Fisto, however, she eventually learned to let go of her attachment to her master, and she later taught Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's padawan, to do the same. When Aayla Secura feels Kit Fisto’s death through the Force she feels as though her heart is breaking, meanwhile Order 66 is looming. Later into the war, Secura ascended to the rank of Jedi Master. Secura used her Force powers to subude the guards, but Sabat took Shon-Ju hostage and force her to surrender. After killing Zenex and his henchmen, Vos told Secura that he was going to set up spy networks for the republic. Later Secura went with Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Clone Commanders Bly and CC-1004, nicknamed "Gree," to investigate the planet Alzoc III, where Separatist activity had been reported by the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure. 66 aayla anime battle betrayal blue breath clone clonewars dead death drawing fan fanart felucia force last lightsaber manga moment order saber secura star starwars wars art totemos aaylasecura. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Arriving at the large tree, they soon realized that it was abandoned. As a Jedi Master, Aayla Secura led the Republic war efforts at Quell and was instrumental in the defense of Kamino and later Maridun. Her master comforted her by relating how her beloved was now part of the Force, and would also live on in her heart. Secura, however, ordered to hold, stating that the blast could lead to the collapse of the entire cliff, and proceeded to remove the obstacle in a more delicate way. The village elder, Tee Watt Kaa refused to aid them, fearing that destruction would break the peace they already had. After Shaak Ti was injured and only Ki-Adi-Mundi was left the back up clone arrived and recovered Shaak Ti and Aayla and saved Ki-Adi-Mundi.She was seen on life support on the Gunship.

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