what to say when a blood ask who you be

FUN FACTS. They like things to be done a certain way, which can be perceived as annoying by others. Registered Nurse, Free Care Plans, Free NCLEX Review, Nurse Salary, and much more. Foreigners are sometimes perplexed about this Japanese fascination with blood type, which is often used as small talk when meeting someone for the first time or getting to know them. I don’t know if that is everything but it covers the major bases. Although their over self-confidence at times may be viewed as arrogant. When you find out what your blood type is, I’d love to know if you think there is any truth to this theory. 9. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment! Hahaha Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Janelle! Contact Me. What do I say to these while in a conversation? Strike up a conversation in a bar or head out to a dinner party in Japan and the likelihood is that the conversation will, at some point, steer towards blood type (ketsuekigata 血液型). If you don't like needles and blood, tell the person who is taking the sample so they can make you more comfortable. TV shows and movies have alluded to the “all fun with no responsibility” stereotype of the B's driving their partner, more often than not an ‘A' seeking romance and commitment, mad. Do you think these stereotypical character traits reflect your personality? Type O's are your anything goes, personable, get-along-with-everybody types. Answer: The Bible says nothing directly about donating blood or having a blood transfusion because such medical procedures were not possible in the days when the Bible was written. It’s good to know your blood type, so that it could guide you in whatever things you would like to do in future and life time. and totally agree it’s a social lubricant. She will have her classmates do a blood test to check for blood type, but is there some kind of a personality quiz she could have them fill out so that she can then compare their blood type to their personality traits?I’m not sure where to find a personality quiz that would correlate best. I have seen some nurses ask a really good question that causes the patient to think for a second while they quickly extract the blood. It was their way of trying to ascertain what kind of teacher I was going to be. Also, in the blood.Part of one's essential nature. This thinking tends to take their mind of what is going on, and they are less intimidated by needles (some people really fear needles). Interestingly, most Japanese Prime Ministers have been type O's. AB is most compatible with AB, B, A, and O. Haha Many people try to avoid kanji because they are so difficult to memorize, but if you ever want to read Japanese, then it’s vital. Learn some interesting facts with the following blood quiz questions and answers. Very interesting, You would have to be an O blood group and if i am right i didn’t ask your mum.lol. I wouldn’t have thought it to be so important in Japanese culture and daily life, though. The theory has been based on observational studies of people of the four blood groupings, and while there is no real scientific proof to the claim that blood type determines character, most Japanese believe that there is at least something semi-scientific about it. If someone else asks you about it, you can say something like, “It’s not up to me to discuss this, but I’m sure Ann will appreciate your concern. 'Where do you get your iron?' I used to know my blood type once but I can’t remember. Type O's are big picture, visionary and self-confident. should i just say my blood type is "B" then? PS: my nephew is starting Japanese classes at the University and I’ll try and follow them again. What do you think about blood type personality theory? People are far too complex to put in neat little boxes. 'Well, I don't eat much meat...' 7. Blood Donation. When I used to teach in Japan, my classes would often ask me about my blood type on my first day. Each group can be either RhD positive or RhD negative, which means in total there are 8 blood groups. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. However, the idea largely lay dormant until it was revived by journalist Masahiko Nomi in the 1970s with his best-seller Ketsuekigata de Wakaru Aisho (Understanding Affinity by Blood Type). In Japan, you can buy products for your blood type, such as soda, chewing gum and bath salts that apparently “balance out” the less desirable tendencies of your type. During the New Year sales, department stores sometimes offer special lucky bags based on blood type. The Japanese have even come up with a term for it, bura-hara or “blood harassment”. So I would suggest you watch a couple of nurses who do this really well to get some ideas, and maybe practice a bit. Thanks for reading and commenting, Riana! A+ is mine definitely agree in some aspects. I even visited a hair salon's website once that listed their hair stylists by blood type. Merci for sharing! Some are scientifically-based and some are just for fun. When the sample has been taken, the tourniquet will be … Personally, a person is a mixture of what they have absorbed and filtered from their surroundings. There is an abundance of literature on blood types and your personality, offering advice on work, love and diet. Professional athletes may have their training adjusted to their blood type. Because of this, they are often viewed as good mediators or problem solvers. SCIENTIFIC FACTS. As of Feb 05 21. Even blood type condoms are available. I think you’re absolutely right. Then when you are finished drawing blood place a 4×4 gauzes over the insertion site and tape it (also instruct the patient to hold pressure on it, especially if they are on blood thinners like Heparin, Lovenox, Coumadin) I think that pretty much covers it…that is all I would say to the patient before would draw blood. Where do you get calcium?' you are not picking up on social signals. Environment is a big factor. It is a widely held belief in Japan that your blood type determines your personality. If I’m wrong, then an AB?? Subject. Funny question, my daughter wants to do a science fair project on the accuracy of the blood type/personality idea. What you should do. Masahiko and Toshitaka Nomi combined have sold more than 6 million copies of their books and in 2008, four of the top 10 best-sellers were books on blood types determining personality. Another common blood test is the basic metabolic panel to check your heart, kidney, and liver function by looking at your blood glucose, calcium, and electrolyte levels. Learn how your comment data is processed. 'What do you eat?' For example, are you drawing the labs to check for electrolytes level, PT or PTT (clotting time) levels….etc. For example: "Can you say that again? Or when I’m frustrated by my partner, I blame it on his blood type :p. I don’t think you’re the only person to do that, Saori! Type B's might be accused of being “KY“, an abbreviation of “Kuuki ga Yomenai (空気が読めない)” which literally means that you “can't read the air” i.e. They tend to be creative and inquisitive and, interestingly, most geniuses are said to come from the AB group. Jessica Korteman is an Australian travel writer, based in Tokyo, Japan. Also there was a book written by a Dr Peter D’Adamo about blood group diets very interesting read, especially about how the different bloodgroups evolved and transversed the globe. In a society that views itself as by and large ethnically homogeneous, blood type has become a socially acceptable way of differentiation. I’m glad you found this interesting and I also agree that one of the great things about traveling is learning different and random things. This makes the Japanese population quite diverse and thus this theory more interesting. My very first Japanese teacher said one day I would appreciate kanji, and now I really understood what she meant! This topic is brand new news to me! ? Ask the Blood Bank Guy. 'Where do you get your protein?' For example, The whole family loves music; it's in their blood, or Sailing somehow gets in your blood.Also see run in the blood. I wonder if others will also see a correlation between their characteristics and blood type…, White Day in Japan: Japan’s Complicated Second Valentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day in Japan: The Meaning of the Chocolate you Give, Seijin no Hi: What Happens on Coming of Age Day in Japan, Fugu Fish: The poisonous Japanese Puffer Fish you can buy online, Japanese Rock Paper Scissors: How ‘Janken’ Rules Life in Japan. Drawing blood is one of my favorite tasks a Nurse performs! Type B's are easy-going, relaxed and bubbly. Being brought up in a society where your blood type is a known fact from a young age and permeates public thinking, many (especially younger) Japanese people find it hard to believe that a foreigner may not know their blood type unless they've had a reason to find out. This is a relatively modern concept as blood types themselves were only discovered in 1901. They are very honest and say what they think, which, depending on the circumstances, can be perceived as a good characteristic or as selfish. This question comes from Maria Capela and here is what she asked: “What’s the actual recital to tell a person when you are going to draw blood? It helps me to understand the person while I don’t let blood type blur their true personality. Whether you believe there is something to the link between character and blood type or you think it should be put in the ridiculous pile, blood type conversations will be something you will encounter once you get talking to enough Japanese people. It makes no sense to fight with someone in doctor’s office, or to put safety of other patients and medical personnel in danger because of one undisciplined patient. Even if you know that he's going to ask you out, and you want to say no, you don't want to cut him off. What to say when someone tells you they are not OK. ... That day she didn’t say, ‘no, I’m not OK’ but she told me knowing someone cared enough to ask helped her out of a dark place. Question: "What does the Bible say about donating blood/blood donations?" But have you ever wondered what makes up this red fluid? If you ever have anymore question don’t hesitate to hit me up! Write things down, or ask a family member or friend to take notes. Some kindergartens organize their classes based on blood type and educate the children accordingly. Blood type in anime, manga and video games. Hi Jessica, I came into this conversations rather belatedly. I’m the one who always bring up this topic!!! Thanks for sharing this unusual bit of information ? An easy way to find out your blood type is by donating blood, if that is an option for you. and a lot it can't. We strive for 100% accuracy, but nursing procedures and state laws are constantly changing. Hearing them can be painful, infuriating, depressing—even destructive—to a family member, friend, co-worker, or acquaintance living with bipolar disorder. Blood type has become such a popular identity marker that it is included on public profiles such as websites and social media platforms like Facebook. Enter your email address below and hit "Submit" to receive free email updates and nursing tips. 6. Easy going? I’ll let her know you asked about her.” It might feel awkward if you hear “through the grapevine” that someone has cancer. 3. While blood type may not have meaning for you, this topic is often considered a “social lubricant” in Japan, a ‘get to know you' topic used by way of introduction. I received another ask me a question. In business, A's are the most highly sought after due to their work ethic, attention to detail and relative shyness, which means they are not too over-confident. . The pair have been widely credited as bringing blood type personality theory into mainstream Japanese thinking. Lesson style? Ask Dr Sarah Brewer any question about high blood pressure via this page eg about medicines, supplements, DASH diet, or other natural approaches that can help. It is often believed that foreigners claiming not to know their blood type, must just be hiding it out of some kind of shame or embarrassment. You could ask the person who told you if it’s public information. It is considered a comfortable way of categorizing difference. Both my eldest and youngest are type O’s and their attention to detail is extremes. (I will have to find out now.) Cutting him off while he's talking makes you appear overly eager to reject him and rude. It has been reported that some bosses have asked non-A blood type employees to aspire to being more like an A. I still do not understand." They also tend to be fairly quiet and shy, like to listen and follow along with conversations rather than leading them. What does your blood type say about you? I've been going to the blood bank to give blood for a while now and lately I've been getting some serious bruising from giving blood and it really hurts. 12 Good Things to Say to Someone with Cancer | CaringBridge If you do not understand any words, ask for them to be written down and explained. Even though significant progress has been made in improving high blood pressure control rates in the U.S., almost half of adults have elevated BP. soo basically my blood type is Brh + but when ever i ask someone whats their blood type they only say "B" or "A" or "0" so i was wondering if the "rh+" part was needed? If you have some results at the high or low end of normal, ask your doctor if you should repeat the test or investigate them further. While it may be deemed harmless fun by many, as with anything that pigeon holes people, there is the potential for discrimination. I find that many doctors don’t run routine comprehensive (i.e. 2. It's gotten to the point where they've had to stop the proceedure because my arm bruises up so badly. As for tips for learning Japanese, I would say don’t resist kanji. This was notably done with the Japanese women's softball team who won gold at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. It’s the kanji that holds the bulk of the meaning in a sentence, so without it you might only understand a few words and the tense or grammatical form, and nothing else. High profile celebrities and government officials see their blood type as important enough to list on their official sites. Can’t decide which I am.. but now I want to find out! You should always return to the doctor’s office after a comprehensive blood test to go over the results in person, instead of relying on a phone call to give you the big picture. Blood type A speaking, I found out mine by giving blood years ago and find the description pretty good although, as you mentioned, quite simple and generic. A typical routine blood test is the complete blood count, also called CBC, to count your red and white blood cells as well as measure your hemoglobin levels and other blood components. Maria, thank you for your question and I’m sorry about the delay (been very busy with school). Blood thinners won't break up the clot; your body must do that over time. 8. Let's look at the characteristics stereotypically attributed to each blood group. It is said that one of the reasons blood type personality theory has taken off in Japan is that, unlike with many other ethnicities that may be dominated by two of the blood types, all four blood groupings are fairly evenly distributed.

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